Current Search:  Seagrasses--Ecology (x)

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Studies on fouling invertebrates in the Indian River, Florida 2: effect of Modulus modulus (Prosobranchia: Modulidae)
Productivity and biomass of Thalassia testudinum as related to water column nutrient availability and epiphyte levels: field observations and experimental studies
Latitudinal patterns in seagrass epifauna: Do patterns exist, and can they be explained?
Eutrophication and trophic state classification of seagrass communities in the Florida Keys
Distribution of macrofauna within seagrass beds: an explanation for patterns of abundance
Harbortown marina seagrass study
Community structure ofthe macrobenthos associated with seagrass of the Indian River estuary, Florida
The role of predationby decapod crustaceans in seagrass ecosystems
Subtropical-tropical seagrass communities of the Southeastern United States: fishes and fishcommunities
The influence of predatory decapods, refuge, and microhabitat selection on seagrass communities
Nekton: biomass and abundance
Seagrass biodiversity in the Indian River Lagoon
Photomapping and species composition of the seagrass beds in Florida's Indian River estuary
Species densities of macrobenthos associated with seagrass: a field experimental study of predation
Regulation of species densities of seagrass-associated macrobenthos: evidence from field experiments in the Indian River estuary, Florida
Community studies in seagrass meadows: A comparison of two methods for sampling macroinvertebrates and fishes
Sulfur-35 incorporation in the seagrass Thalassia testudinum under oxic and anoxic conditions
Experimental studies of decapod and fish predation on seagrass macrobenthos
A Modeling Study on The Effects of Seagrass Beds on the Hydrodynamics in the Indian River Lagoon