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Transplanting and survival of the seagrass Halodule wrightii under controlled conditions
Fragments of the seagrasses Halodule wrightii and Halophila johnsonii as potential recruits in Indian River Lagoon, Florida
effects of the cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula and artificial shading on the seagrass Halodule wrightii
Evaluating the Feasibility of Transplanting to Promote Seagrass Recovery in the Indian River Lagoon. Final Report for Contract No. 24676. Submitted to St. Johns River Water Management District.
Examination of the Use of Floating Individuals of Halodule wrightii (Ascherson, 1868) for Restoration
The Role Of Disturbance In The Genotypic And Morphological Diversity Of Halodule Wrightii
A Modeling Study on The Effects of Seagrass Beds on the Hydrodynamics in the Indian River Lagoon