Current Search:  Rhetorical criticism (x)

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power of subtext and the politics of closure
"white male backlash" to diversity training: Rhetorical criticism using fantasy theme analysis
"Room for you and me"
ideological analysis of the rhetoric of patriarchy in the Pentateuch
Grading the scholars: Measuring the impact of field dependence on rhetorical analyses of abortion arguments
Writing nation(s): A trans-Atlantic analysis of academic writing instruction
Festine Lente
The Rhetoric and Humanism of Cicero and Its Impact on the Humanists of the Early Italian Renaissance
Dissipating hostility through feminine rhetorical style
Traduzione di una metafora
Image Restoration in the Apologetic in the Apologetic Rhetoric of Professional Athletes: A Case Study of Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Phelps
The Very Useful Notion: A Rhetorical History of the Idea of Human-Made Climate Change, 1950-2000
Let them run wild
"And yet God has not said a word!": Robert Browning and the romantic killer in literature
Polysemy in John Milton's Paradise Lost
Ecoqueer: Moving Beyond Ecocomposition's Heteronormative Binaries
telegraphist's odyssean journey in Henry James's "In the Cage"
Rhetorical "Mosaicism" and Intractable Conflict: George W. Bush on Stem Cells
William Shakespeare and Herman Melville
The moral authority of the child in two fairy tales
