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An analysis of religiosity in the United States: testing the secure society theory
Rethinking religious competition
importance of original intent in interpreting the religion clauses of the First Amendment
Secularism in Latin America?
The Sabbath and free institutions : a paper read before the National Sabbath Convention, Saratoga, Aug. 13, 1863
The state of the country. A discourse preached in the Federal street meetinghouse in Boston, on Sunday, June 8, 1856.
Vision of Theophilus
Touched by the Holy Spirit
Lettre du Comte de Sunderland, a un Ami
Finding the rainbow connection
A view of the controversy subsisting between Great-Britain and the American colonies. : a sermon, preached at a fast, in Marlborough in Massachusetts-Bay, on Thursday May 11, 1775.
An oration delivered by invitation, before the Albany County Temperance Society, at the Reformed Dutch Church in Bethlehem, July 4, 1838.
"The higher law" in its application to the Fugitive slave bill. A sermon on the duties men owe to God and to governments.
Die dritte Declaration von Sr. Hoheit Wilhelm Henrich [The Third Declaration of His Highness William Henry, Prince of Orange/ and the Proclamation of the King of Great Britain concerning the appointment of a Parliament]
Politische Consideration und Staats Anmerkungen uber den schönen und nervosen Brieff Hrn. Fagels, Raths Pensionarii von Holland