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Population biology and larval development of the terebellid polychaete Nicolea zostericola
Population Genetic Structure, Movement Patterns, and Environmental Preferences of the Pelagic Wahoo, Acanthocyhium solandri
Population characteristics of the sea starOreaster reticulatus in the Bahamas and across the Caribbean
Thepopulation biology and genetics of the deep-sea spider crab, Encephaloides armstrongi Wood-Mason1891 (Decapoda: Majidae)
Reproduction, development and population biology of the Caribbean ophiuroid Ophionereis olivacea, a protandric hermaphrodite that broods its young
Fishes of the Abacoa Greenway
Modeling simple epidemics
Foraging ecology of wading birds in a sub-tropical intertidal zone
A generalized stochastic birth/death population model based on Indian RiverLagoon dolphins
The role of density dependence in a marine infaunal community
Fishes of Savannas Preserve State Park
A comparison of body proportions in juvenile sea turtles: how shape may optimize survival in a vulnerable life stage
The role of air and waterborne odors in orientation and food detection in three species of marine turtles