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A marine biological sampling device (MBSD)
In memoriam: John Hood Ryther 1922-2006
The relationship between nutritional status and carbon flux in the zooxanthellate sea anemone Aiptasia pallida
Biosynthetic studies of the antitumor ecteinascidins in the marine tunicate Ecteinascidia turbinata
Larval predation by barnacles: effects on patch colonization in a shallow subtidal community
The effects of feeding or addition of dissolved inorganic nutrients in maintaining the symbiosis between dinoflagellates and a tropical marine cnidarian
Marine invertebrate larvae
Thin layers of bioluminescent copepods found at density discontinuities in the water column
Comparative study of temporal resolution in the visual systems of mesopelagic crustaceans
Inducing relaxation in the queen conch Strombus gigas (L.) for cultured pearl production
Are free amino acids responsible for the “host factor” effects on symbiotic zooxanthellae in extracts of host tissue?
Functional aspects of behavior and morphology in the decorator crab Microphrys Bicornutus (Latreille, 1825) (Crustacea: Brachyura: Mithracidae)
Population Genetic Structure, Movement Patterns, and Environmental Preferences of the Pelagic Wahoo, Acanthocyhium solandri
Reproduction in marine invertebrates in “stable” environments: the deep sea model
Productivity and Nutrition of Sargassum: A Comparative Ecophysiological Study of Benthic and Pelagic Species in Florida
Shifts in copepod grazing on varying concentrations of two bioluminescent dinoflagellate species
Taxonomy and ecology of the deep-pelagic fish family Melamphaidae, with emphasis on interactions with a mid-ocean ridge system
Transparency and visibility of gelatinous zooplankton from the northwestern Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
Case Study: marine mammals as sentinel speciesfor oceans and human health
The influence of prey identity and size on selection of prey by two marine fishes
