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The role of the individual in history
integrity of the individualism-collectivism cultural syndromes under conditions of social change
Pierre Chardon : sa vie, son action, sa pensée.
Essays in Return Predictability After Large Price Shocks
relationship between well-being and social interaction with friends, family, and spouses in older adults
Infants' perception of synthetic-like multisensory relations
Building the family network: A community is born
influence of parenting practices on ethnic identity and social and academic outcomes
Multisensory Cues Facilitate Infants’ Ability to Discriminate Other-Race Faces
Differential effects of assessment report type on special educators' recommendations regarding identification of goals and choice of intervention
Why rush growing up? A test of the cognitive immaturity hypothesis
Children's adaptave strategies in a tool use task
bottom of the heart: Emerson, Novalis, and Jung's individuation
Principals' knowledge of special education policies and procedures
The sui generis in Charles G. Finney’s The Circus Of Dr. Lao
Toxic Island et L’Empreinte à Crusoé : l’individuation de l’identité franco-antillaise
Teacher perceptions of response to intervention for English learners
Effects of teaching mathematics to learning style perceptual preference on academic achievement of seventh-grade middle school students