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Image quality measures for performance assessment of compression transforms.
novel technique for the retrieval of compressed image and video databases
Performance evaluation of data compression transforms for underwater imaging and object recognition
On the parallel computation of image compression transformations
Performance analysis of compression algorithms for noisy multispectral underwater images of small targets
Comparison and development of compression algorithms for AUV telemetry: Recent advancements
Data compression techniques for underwater imagery
A review of recent underwater imaging methods and advancements
DSP hardware implementation of transform-based compression algorithm for AUV telemetry
An approach to image compression using three-dimensional DCT
Underwater laser serial imaging using compressive sensing and digital mirror device
Application of wavelets to image and video coding
Interactive progressive encoding system for transmission of complex images
Limits on computational precision of image compression transformations
Mathematical methods for mapping image and data compression transforms to adaptive computing systems
Densely-centered uniform P-search: A fast motion estimation algorithm
novel DSP scheme for image compression and HDTV transmission
Subband coding of images using binomial QMF and vector quantization
HEVC optimization in mobile environments
Methods and Algorithms for Human Detection in Video Sequences
