Current Search: France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800 (x)
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- Title
- Auffsatz Pro Memoria, Das ist: Wahre Copia Deren Zweyen Memorialien, Welche jüngstens in Nahmen Ihrer Britannischen Majestät und Ihro Hochmögenden der Herren General Staaten dem Herrn Grafen d'Avaux, Extraordinar Ambassadeur Sr. Allerchristlichsten Majestät præsentirt worden.
- Creator
- England and Wales Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III), Avaux comte d' 1640-1709
- Abstract/Description
Copy of two letters: 1) “Memorial presented at the Hague by Mr. Stanhope (Envoy Extraordinary from His Majesty of Great-Britain) to the Count d' Avoux Ambassador Extraordinary from the most Christian King.” Signed by Alexander Stanhope, 1701. Regarding the Treaty of Petition (War of Spanish Succession, 1701-1714. Fought over who had the right to succeed Charles II as King of Spain. 2) “Extract out of the Register of the Secret Resolutions of their High and Mightiness the States-General of the...
Show moreCopy of two letters: 1) “Memorial presented at the Hague by Mr. Stanhope (Envoy Extraordinary from His Majesty of Great-Britain) to the Count d' Avoux Ambassador Extraordinary from the most Christian King.” Signed by Alexander Stanhope, 1701. Regarding the Treaty of Petition (War of Spanish Succession, 1701-1714. Fought over who had the right to succeed Charles II as King of Spain. 2) “Extract out of the Register of the Secret Resolutions of their High and Mightiness the States-General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands.” First letter is signed at end: Alexander Stanhope; second is signed: Fagel. Both letters dated at the Hague March, 22. 1701.
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- Subject Headings
- France -- Foreign relations -- 1643-1715 -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- 1689-1714 -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- 1648-1714 -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800, Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714 -- Diplomatic history -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Abdruck, dess Londenen Herren General-Staaten an den König von Engeland abgelassenen Schreibens [“Translation of the London States General Letter to His Majesty, the 13th of May, 1701.”].
- Creator
- United Provinces of the Netherlands Staten Generaal, England and Wales Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III)
- Abstract/Description
Concerning the developments in the negotiations between the Netherlands and England. The letter is dated and signed: At the Hague, the 13th of May, 1701 [new style]. . I S Wichers. By order of the States, J. Fagel.
- Subject Headings
- France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- History -- William and Mary, 1689-1702 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- History -- 1648-1714 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Briefs-gewyze ernstige bedenkingen aan myne landgenooten : onverschillig Prins of Patriots gezind.
- Creator
- Verax
- Abstract/Description
Signed at the end: U wel ed. heilwenschenden vriend Verax. H-- den 26 aug. 1794. Single gathering ; leaf A² signed A
- Subject Headings
- France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Politics and government -- 1714-1795 -- Early works to 1800, Orange Nassau, House of
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Memoire, präsentirt durch den Herrn Stanhope [“Memorial presented at the Hagü by Mr. Stanhope, Envoy Extraordinary from His Majesty of Great Britain, to the Count d'Avoux Ambassador Extraordinary from the most Christian King.“].
- Creator
- Stanhope, Alexander 1639-1707, Avaux comte d' 1640-1709
- Abstract/Description
Proposals from Mr. Stanhope to Mons. D’Avaux on March 22, 1701. Original in French. Regarding the succession of the Spanish king who died without issue. Proposals include the withdrawal of all troops from the Spanish Netherlands. (War of Spanish Succession)
- Subject Headings
- France -- Foreign relations -- 1643-1715 -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- 1689-1714 -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- 1648-1714 -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- Early works to 1800, Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714 -- Diplomatic history -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, England and Wales Sovereign (1694-1702 : William III)
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Echte Stukken Betrekkelyk Tot….
- Creator
- Gérard de Rayneval, J. M (Joseph Mathias) 1736-1812, Görtz, Johann Eustach von Grave 1737-1821
- Abstract/Description
de onderhandeling toevertrouwd aan den heere grave van Goertz, staats-minister van zyne majesteit, den koning van Pruissen. En aan den heere De Rayneval, staatsraad van zyne allerchristelykste majesteit : verzeld met ophelderende aantekeningen...
- Subject Headings
- Europe -- History -- 18th century -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- History -- Louis XV, 1715-1774 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Germany -- Prussia -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- History -- 1714-1795 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Prussia (Germany) -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, Prussia (Germany) -- History -- 1740-1815 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- L'avocat pour et contre, ou, Resumé historique et philosophique de tout ce qu'on a écrit sur la liberté du commerce des munitions navales : suivi du jugement des plaideurs.
- Creator
- Cerisier, Antoine Marie 1749-1828
- Abstract/Description
Alternate title: Resumé historique et philosophique de tout ce qu'on a écrit sur la liberté du commerce des munitions navales. "Fictitious debate between Joseph Yorke, Baron Dover (British ambassador to The Hague) and the duc de la Vauguyon (French ambassador to The Hague) on issues of Dutch neutrality, shipment of naval munitions by the Netherlands to France, and seizure of Dutch ships by the British. Vauguyon defends the U.S. cause and reviews events in the U.S."--Echeverria & Wilkie. ...
Show moreAlternate title: Resumé historique et philosophique de tout ce qu'on a écrit sur la liberté du commerce des munitions navales. "Fictitious debate between Joseph Yorke, Baron Dover (British ambassador to The Hague) and the duc de la Vauguyon (French ambassador to The Hague) on issues of Dutch neutrality, shipment of naval munitions by the Netherlands to France, and seizure of Dutch ships by the British. Vauguyon defends the U.S. cause and reviews events in the U.S."--Echeverria & Wilkie. "Sometimes ascribed to Antoine-Marie Cerisier."--Echeverria & Wilkie. Signatures: *² A-D⁸ E². Includes bibliographical references.
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- Subject Headings
- Anglo French War, 1778-1783 -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- History -- 18th century -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- History -- 18th century -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- History -- 18th century -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain -- History -- 18th century -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Participation, French -- Sources -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Op Nederlands verbindtenis met Frankrijk [door Jan van Royen].
- Creator
- Royen, Jan van Azn. 1736-1803
- Abstract/Description
In verse. Signed on page [6] by J. van Royen, and dated MDCCLXXXVI. Imprint from colophon. Engraving on page [3] (depicting a war scene, showing a cloaked female holding a helmet and shaking a king's hand; the lion of Holland brandishing seven arrows standing next to the woman) is unsigned.
- Subject Headings
- Dutch poetry -- 18th century, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- History -- 1714-1795 -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Politics and government -- 1714-1795 -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Een Gedicht, zo vol van gratie, gemaakt op de heerlyke Meditatie van pater Berendse, dat Geestelyke baassie over de Fransche Temtatie, die ze zullen doen aan de Natie, als zy hier doen een invatie.
- Abstract/Description
Poem. [Netherlands] : [publisher not identified], [1794]
- Subject Headings
- Dutch poetry -- 18th century, Netherlands -- History -- 1714-1795 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Politics and government -- 1714-1795 -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- Poetry -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Articles convenus entre le réprésentant du peuple français,.
- Abstract/Description
Richard, en mission près l'armée du Nord, & les citoyens Loncq & Heldevier, au nom du Commité militaire de L.L.H.H.P.P., les Etats-généraux des Provinces-Unies, spécialement autorisés à cet effet. Pour régler le service, l'administration, l'habillement, l'équipement & la solde de 25000 hommes de troupes françaises, qui doivent rester dans les Provinces-Unies, conformément au traité de paix & d'alliance fait entre les deux républiques. Articles agreed between the French and the citizens of...
Show moreRichard, en mission près l'armée du Nord, & les citoyens Loncq & Heldevier, au nom du Commité militaire de L.L.H.H.P.P., les Etats-généraux des Provinces-Unies, spécialement autorisés à cet effet. Pour régler le service, l'administration, l'habillement, l'équipement & la solde de 25000 hommes de troupes françaises, qui doivent rester dans les Provinces-Unies, conformément au traité de paix & d'alliance fait entre les deux républiques. Articles agreed between the French and the citizens of Loncq & Heldevier, on behalf of the Military Committee of L.L.H.P.P., the States-General of the United Provinces, to regulate the service, administration, clothing, equipment and pay of 25,000 French troops, who must remain in the United Provinces, in accordance with the Treaty of Peace & Alliance made between the two republics. Uniform Title: Treaties, etc. 1795 May 16. These are the secret articles appended to the treaty of The Hague. "Fait, stipulé & consenti à la Haye, le neuf thermidor, vingt sept juillet, 3e. année de la Republique Française, 1e. année de la liberté batave ..."--Page 42.
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- Subject Headings
- France -- Foreign relations -- 1789-1815 -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- Early works to 1800, France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, France -- History, Military -- 1789-1815 -- Sources -- Early works to 1800, Peace treaties -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Stads eer verdedigd teegen zeker libel ten opschrift hebbende,.
- Creator
- J. F. R., Tinne, A.
- Abstract/Description
Eenige weinige vraagen door een Oud Regent aan zyne lands-genooten voorgesteld. On Franco-Dutch commercial relations. By A. Tinne. Also attributed to Ten Hoven.
- Subject Headings
- France -- Commerce -- Netherlands -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Commerce -- France -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Seizure of vessels and cargoes -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book
- Title
- Briev van jonkheer Lodewyk Theodorus grave van Nassau la Leck. &c. &c.
- Creator
- Nassau La Lecq, L. T. (Lodewijk Theodorus) Graaf van 1697? 1781, Paddenburg, Gijsbert Tieme van active 1747-1804
- Abstract/Description
aan den heer advocaat Linguet, schryver der Annales politiques, civiles & litteraires onzer achtiende eeuw : Dienende om zyn vaderland de republiek der Verenigde Neederlanden en zyne medeburgeren te verdedigen, tegen de verkeerde en tessens beledigende uitdrukkingen van dien schryver, te vinden in het XXXIIste stukie dier Annales op het arti-tikel over Holland. Defense of the Netherlands against assertions in Linguet's Annales politiques of 1777. Author's autograph on verso of title-page to...
Show moreaan den heer advocaat Linguet, schryver der Annales politiques, civiles & litteraires onzer achtiende eeuw : Dienende om zyn vaderland de republiek der Verenigde Neederlanden en zyne medeburgeren te verdedigen, tegen de verkeerde en tessens beledigende uitdrukkingen van dien schryver, te vinden in het XXXIIste stukie dier Annales op het arti-tikel over Holland. Defense of the Netherlands against assertions in Linguet's Annales politiques of 1777. Author's autograph on verso of title-page to authenticate this edition.
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- Subject Headings
- France -- Foreign relations -- Netherlands -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Linguet, Simon Nicolas Henri -- 1736-1794 -- Annales politiques, civiles, et littéraires du dix huitieme siècle, Netherlands -- Foreign relations -- France -- 18th century -- Early works to 1800, Netherlands -- Politics and government -- 1714-1795 -- Early works to 1800
- Format
- E-book