Current Search:  Feminism in literature. (x)

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Theorizing the Goddess in Feminist Mythopoeic Fantasy
La Fornarina
Ellen Glasgow: Feminism through characterization
Revis(it)ing Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness
Libertinage et feminisme dans les lettres du colonel talbert de francoise-albine puzin de la martiniere benoist
queer world
attack of the compilator
good woman is hard to find
Proto-Feminism, gender, and Genre: Moderata Fonte and Maria de Zayas Sotomayor's Silent Alliance
Feminism and revolution: Ideological coalescence in Gioconda Belli's "La mujer habitada"
I'll be your mirror
new woman before she was new: Olive Schreiner's "The Story of an African Farm" and Fanny Fern's "Ruth Hall"
Olive Schreiner on "times and seasons"
Housing identity
The Subaltern Female Struggle for Power in Courtly Love France and Medieval Spain
Edith Wharton
Gender, Myth, and Warfare: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women Warriors