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Variations in the spectral signature of a subtropical estuarine inlet
Studies on fouling invertebrates in the Indian River: 1. Seasonality of settlement
Distribution and reproduction of shell-less opisthobranchs from South Carolina
Operation, methods, and quality control of Technicon AutoAnalyzer II Systems for nutrient determinations in seawater
Survey of water quality, oyster reproduction and oyster health status in the St. Lucie Estuary
Are filtration rates for the rough tunicate Styela plicata independent of weight or size?
Potential estuarine water quality improvement via marine invertebrate bioremediation
A physical description of longperiodnet displacement variation within the southern Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Upwind return flow in a coastal lagoon: Seasonal-scale barotropic transport
Physiological responses of transplants of the freshwater angiosperm Vallisneria americana along a salinity gradient in the Caloosahatchee Estuary (Southwestern Florida)
An introduction to the tides of Florida's Indian River lagoon. Part II: currents
Effects of physical gradients on the production dynamics of sediment-associated algae
Comment on J. C. Zieman, J. W. Fourqurean, and T. A. Frankovich. 1999. Seagrass dieoff in Florida Bay: Long-term trends in abundance and growth of turtle grass, Thalassia testudinum. Estuaries 22:460–470
Effects of freshwater discharges and habitat architecture on oyster reef community development and diversity
Passive acoustics as a monitoring tool for evaluating oyster reef restoration
Estuaries in distress
A sediment budget for the Choptank River Estuary in Maryland, U.S.A.
Assimilation of malathion in the Indian River estuary, Florida
Fishes of the Indian River Lagoon and adjacent waters, Florida
Predicting level of dissolved reactive phosphate in the Lafayette River, Virginia, from information on tide, wind, temperature, and sewage discharge
