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Build a Better Mousetrap: A Review of State School Accountability Models and Their Relation to the Socio-Economic Status of Students.
labor approach to the development of the self or "modern personality": The case of public education
meta-analysis of Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory
Using the "We the People...The Citizen and the Constitution" curriculum to improve middle school minority student knowledge and understanding of the United States Constitution and perception of their rights and responsibilities in American society
step toward violence prevention: "Non-Violent Communication" as part of a college curriculum
The effect of participation in the “girl talk” program on easing the transition to middle school
In-country: identification of transformational learning and leadership in human rights observers
Strategies for effective communication with Hispanic students: An analysis of student responses to recruitment viewbooks used by colleges and universities
Does leadership matter?: the relationship of school leadership to a safe school climate,bullying, and fighting in middle school
Understanding how national board certified secondary mathematics teachers integrate academic and social knowledge of students into their practice
Preservice teachers' developing beliefs about diversity as revealed through reflection and discourse
Examining the governance and administration of public higher education in Florida: An exploratory study of organizational elite theory
A critical analysis of first generation black male college students’ perceptions of their preparation for college level mathematics
Florida Student Progression Policies and Their Effect on Student Achievement
Soil of misfortune: Education, poverty, and race in a rural south Florida community
influence of sub-cultures on planned organizational change in a community college: An exploratory case study
Exploring the College Choice and Sense of Belonging of Haitian Students at a Highly Selective HBCU
Language choice in children’s animated TV shows
Academic performance and demographic variables in predicting success in college algebra and graduation rates in an urban multi-campus community college