Current Search:  Educational equalization -- United States (x)

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Influences on Hispanic student success at the community college
effects of a culturally translated school counselor-led intervention on Hispanic students' academic achievement
Values underlying the parental selection of charter schools: A multi-site case analysis
Principals' attitudes toward the use of culturally relevant pedagogy and culturally responsive leadership in predominantely [sic] African American schools
Emerging narratives of Native American, Asian American, and African American women in middle adulthood with an education doctorate degree
Exploring barriers to education for Native American Indians
threat of school choice and changes in public school organizations
Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Gender Bias
Effects of the four pillars on statewide high school graduation rates
English language learners in Florida
The Effects of the Student Success Skills Classroom Program on Self-Regulation, School Attendance, and Test Anxiety on Hispanic Fifth-Grade Students
Florida's School Choice Policies and Democracy: Origins and Destinations
Is there a relationship between academic achievement and school climate at the elementary, middle, or high school grade level?
An Examination of African-American Male Awareness of and Application to Honors Programs
Florida School Recognition Program
Assessment success today or learning success tomorrow? How a longitudinal perspective can help standards-based accountability systems eliminate the persistent gap between nominal and actual achievement for high school graduates