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Perception and selection of macrophyte detrital falls by the bathyal echinoid Stylocidaris lineata
A fire worm with a sheltered life: studies of Benthoscolex cubanus Hartman (Amphinomidae), an internal associate of the bathyal sea-urchin Archeopneustes hystrix (A. Agassiz, 1880)
Biochemical and energetic composition of bathyal echinoids and an asteroid, holothuroid and crinoid from the Bahamas
Thermal tolerance of embryos and planktotrophic larvae of Archaeopneustes hystrix (A. Agassiz) (Spatangoidea) and Stylocidaris lineata (Mortensen) (Cidaroidea), bathyal echinoids from the Bahamian Slope
Behaviour of echinoid larvae around sharp haloclines: effects of the salinity gradient and dietary conditioning
Responses of echinoid larvae to food patches of different algal densities
Laboratory and in situ flotation rates of lecithotrophic eggs from the bathyal echinoid Phormosoma placenta