Current Search:  Cultural identity (x)

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It’s all just in your head: How does a person’s cultural identity affect their flood risk perceptions and mitigation behaviors?
Fragmented Realities: Exploring Vulnerability and Identity in the Digital Age
Gay-centric identity
Mind the gap: buck angel and the implications of transgender male in/visibility
Cultural conversations from Iran to America
Cultural perspectives among children of Guatemalan Maya immigrants in Lake Worth, Florida
intersection of gender and Italian/Americaness
Reel versus Real: Interracial Relationships within the South Asian Diaspora
Mother-adolescent conflict and relationship quality in youth with and without behavior problems
"Starvation taught me art": Tree poaching, gender and cultural shifts in wood curio carving in Zimbabwe
Searching for Home: The Formation and Preservation of Bosnian Bosniac Identity in Florida
Deconstructing my universal marginalization
More social capital please!
Black adolescents’ critical encounters with media and the counteracting possibilities of critical media literacy
The “Shepard” will guide us: a textual analysis of hegemonic reinforcement and resistance in the mass effect video game series
From Subaltern to President: Evo Morales, New Social Movements, and Regional Autonomies in Bolivia
spider woman rules no more? The transformation and resilience of Aztec female roles
American national identity and discourses of the frontier in early 20th century visual culture
GIving voice to historical trauma through storytelling
