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Cultivation of seaweeds as abiomass source for energy
Distribution of macrobenthic crustaceans associated with Thalassia, Halodule and bare sand substrata
Cost analyses of energy from marine biomass
Productivity and nutrition of marine biomass systems in Florida
Effects of marine algal proximate composition on methane yields
Aquatic plant aquaculture: a multiproduct/multiuse approach
Recycling the nutrients in residues from methane digesters of aquatic macrophytes for new biomass production
Tropical macroalgal cultivation for bioconversion to methane
Alternative production systems: marine crops
Methane production from the anaerobic digestion of some marine macrophytes
Anaerobic digestion and nutrient recyclingof small benthic or floating seaweeds
Nitrogen recycling and methane production using Gracilaria tikvahiae: a closed system approach
Changes in agar and other chemical constituents of the seaweed Gracilaria tikvahiae when used as a substrate in methane digesters
Land-based cultivation of seaweeds: an assessment of their potential yields for "energy farming."
Significance of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate-carbon uptake in marine biomass production
Scyphomedusae and cubomedusae from the eastern Pacific
Methane production from the red seaweed Gracillaria Tikvahiae
Effects of wave exposure on the community structure of a plant-dominated, fringing-reef platform: intermediate disturbance and disturbance-mediated competition
Effects of physical gradients on the production dynamics of sediment-associated algae
Adapting the pin-intercept method to estimate emergent biomass in sawgrass-dominated communities of the Florida Everglades
