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Herbivory and detritivory among gammaridean amphipods from a Florida seagrass community
Distributional ecology of amphipods and tanaidaceans associated with three sea grass species
Body-size differences in a colonizing amphipod-mollusc assemblage
Reproductive patterns of gammaridean amphipods
Vision in the hyperiid amphipod Scina crassiicornis
A new species of the marine amphipod genus Gammaropsis from the southeastern United States (Photidae)
Distribution and ecology of talitrid amphipods at Lake Wyman, Boca Raton, Florida
Disparate forms of bioluminescence from the amphipods Cyphocaris faurei, Scina crassicornis and S. borealis
Attraction of deep-sea amphipods to macrophyte food falls
Abundance, reproductive seasonality and habitat preferences of amphipod crustaceans in seagrass meadows of Apalachee Bay, Florida.
Seasonality and spatial patterns of the seagrass-associated amphipods of the Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Discovery of a majid host for the commensal amphipod Stenothoe symbiotica Shoemaker, 1956
The biology of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) amphipods
The role of seagrass biomass in the organization of benthic macrofaunal assemblages
Visual physiology of the Antarctic amphipod Abyssorchomene plebs
Perception and choice of substratum by epifaunal amphipods associated with seagrasses