Current Search:  Achievement motivation in education (x)

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Friend influence on achievement during middle childhood
Achievement orientation: Origins, influences, and outcomes
exploration of factors affecting the academic success of students in a college quantitative business course
Academic task avoidance and achievement as predictors of peer status during the early primary school years
The Quest for Charter School Enrollment: Reported Innovations and Student Achievement
Children's perceptions of peer reactions to school-related behaviors and affect
The Effects of the Student Success Skills Program on the Behavioral and Cognitive Engagement of Grade 5 Exceptional Education Students
The effect of a student achievement curriculum on grade 9 completion rate and student engagement
Emerging narratives of Native American, Asian American, and African American women in middle adulthood with an education doctorate degree
Factors affecting retention in a community college's welfare-to-work programs
effect of a classroom intervention on adolescent wellness, success skills, and academic performance
Selected Student Characteristics and Science Achievement in a Mid-Sized Secondary School
Factors that relate to the persistence of first-generation undergraduate students in a public university
The Effects of the Student Success Skills Classroom Program on Self-Regulation, School Attendance, and Test Anxiety on Hispanic Fifth-Grade Students
The Effects of Interactive Read-Alouds on the Reading Achievement of Middle Grade Reading Students in a Core Remedial Program
A critical analysis of first generation black male college students’ perceptions of their preparation for college level mathematics
How Do Children's Attitudes Toward Reading Relate To Reading Practice And Reading Achievement?
Socio-Cultural Leadership: An Innovative Model For School Leadership
effects of a culturally translated school counselor-led intervention on the academic achievement of fourth and fifth grade Haitian students
Perceptions of Academic Resilience Among Teachers and Twelfth Grade Adolescent Girls
