Current Search:  Symbolism in literature (x)

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discourse of confession and the rhetoric of the devil
Merely to officiate light"
Charles Finney's The Circus of Dr. Lao
Existential consciousness, redemption, and Buddhist allusions in the work of Saul Bellow
I'll be your mirror
Spenser's spiritual vision
Meis Oculis
Polysemy in John Milton's Paradise Lost
"...At the ear of Eve"
Under construction
literary history of sugarcane discourse in the works of James Grainger and Junot Dâiaz
humdrum aha!
celebration of uncertainty through gothic moments in Emily Brontèe's Wuthering Heights
Tolkien's The Silmarillion
"Our fellows in mortality"
Constituting community
Fight for education, fight for freedom
Gender, Myth, and Warfare: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Women Warriors
Divine alchemy in Paradise Lost
bones of the ox
