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In situ observations on three species of largefinned deep-sea squids
Biological explorations in the mid-ocean realm: food webs, particle flux, and technological advancements
Biological and geological processes at the shelf edge investigated with submersibles
Decompression cycling effects on the shelf life of lithium hydroxide
Water column ecology: In situ observations of marine zooplankton from a manned submersible
Aggregations of myctophid fishes with other pelagic fauna
Reevaluation of stalked aplysinid sponges, with description of a new species from the upper Bahamian slope
An ultrastructural investigation of spermatogenesis in the holopelagic polychaetes Vanadis formosa and Krohnia lepidota (Polychaeta: Alciopidae)
Fast underwater acoustic data link design via multicarrier modulation and higher-order statistics equalization
Temporal and spatial variation in habitat characteristics of tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) off the east coast of Florida
Three new species of prayine siphonophore (Calycophorae, Prayidae) collected by a submersible, with notes on related species
Submersible studies of deepwaterOculina and Lophelia coral banks off southeastern U.S.A.
Feeding behavior by Asteroporpa annulata, a gorgonocephalid brittlestar with unbranched arms
DSP hardware implementation of transform-based compression algorithm for AUV telemetry
Submersible-mounted electro-sampler for use in fresh water: Operating manual
A method for predicting the turning rate of a submersible
High efficiency, counter-rotating ring thruster for underwater vehicles
Design of an adaptive nonlinear controller for an autonomous underwater vehicle equipped with a vectored thruster
Development and analysis of real time software for autonomous underwater vehicles
Case-based reasoning for mission planning, control, and decision-making
