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Implementation of the Ocean Explorer AUV dock for use with the Morpheus AUV
Hydrodynamic analysis of an underwater body including free-surface effects
Pattern-oriented design of a dynamically reconfigurable software architecture for AUV high-level control
Technological advancements of lock-out submersibles
Modern power distribution and conversion in undersea systems
Determination of Horizontal Motion through Optical Flow Computations
Habitat and fauna of deep-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs off the southeastern US: Blake Plateau, Straits of Florida, and Gulf of Mexico
Redesign of Johnson-Sea-Link acrylic submersible for manned operation to 3000 ft (914.4 m) ocean depth
50° conical opening penetrators for the Johnson-Sea-Link: MK V acrylic pilot sphere
The development and use of an equipment retrieval reel
Design project to increase the speed of the Johnson-Sea-Link submersibles
Deep ocean ROV operated coring device
Design and implementation of an altitude flight controller for the FAU Ocean Voyager II
fuzzy logic based flight control system for the FAU "Ocean Voyager" autonomous underwater vehicle
Simulation, control and optimization of underwater vehicle performance
Point count censusing from a submersible to estimate reef fish abundance over large areas
The R/V Seaward Johnson: a new state-of-the art submersible support ship
Color variation and associated behavior in the epinepheline groupers, Mycteroperca microlepis (Goode and Bean) and M. phenax Jordan and Swain
Lipogramma flavescens, a new gram-mid fish from the Bahama Islands, with descriptions and distributional notes on L. evides and L. anabantoides
Chlorophyll distribution in continental shelf sediments off West Palm Beach, Florida and west end, Bahamas
