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The series II cable cutter
Johnson-Sea-Link II lock-out chamber penetrator plate strain gage analysis
Cord II a technical summary of an unmanned, tethered observation and rescue submersible
Feasibility study: Diver heating system for use aboard Johnson-Sea-Link
Results of a survey of the South Florida fish-trap fishing grounds using a manned submersible
Electronic control system for an electro-hydraulic winch
Deepwater populations of the western atlantic pearlfish Carapus bermudensis (Ophidiiformes: Carapidae)
Johnson-Sea-Link submersibles tools for research and discovery: Summary of users, publications, documentaries and testimonials
A new species of coronate scyphomedusa from the Bahamas, Atorella octogonos
Developing a high  efficiency ring thruster for underwater vehicles
Gasometric device for measuring CO2 scrubber performance efficiency
Water, sediment, and organism sampling systems designed for small ROVs
Mission areas and technology requirements for dual-use AUVapplications
Determination of horizontal motion through optical flow computations
An early Holocene reef in the western Atlantic: submersible investigations of a deep relict reef off the west coast of Barbados, W. I.
Human powered submarine propulsion
Design, implementation and testing of a bio-inspired propulsion system for autonomous underwater vehicles
Development and simulation of vertical profiling capability for FAU autonomous underwater vehicles
Modeling the acoustic signature of an Ocean Explorer class autonomous underwater vehicle
Enhancement of the inertial navigation system for the Florida Atlantic University autonomous underwater vehicles
