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Comparative study of behavioral-sensitivity thresholds to near-UV and blue-green light in deep-sea crustaceans
Growth of the sand shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa, in Rhode Island
The speed of an isolume: a shrimp's eye view
Predation by birds as a factor influencing the demography of an intertidal shrimp
Studies on stomatopod Crustacea from the Indian River region of Florida. II. An annotated check list of the mantis shrimps of the central eastern Florida coast
Spongiocaris hexactinellicola, a new species of Stenopodidean shrimp (Decapoda: Stenopodidae) associated with hexactinellid sponges from Tartar Bank, Bahamas
Studies on decapod crustacea from the Indian River region of Florida. I. Alpheus Thomasi, new species, a new snapping shrimp from the subtropical east coast of Florida (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea)
Mortality of freshwater-acclimated Litopenaeus vannamei associated with acclimation rate, habituation period, and ionic challenge
Population structure and reproductive patterns of a southern Florida population of Palaemonetes paludosus (Gibbes) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae)
Infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis (IHHN) virus transmission in Litopenaeus vannamei: Salinity influence in disease expression.
Vertical distribution and feeding of the shrimp genera Gennadas and Bentheogennema  (Decapoda: Penaeidea) in the eastern Gulf of Mexico
The influence of predatory decapods, refuge, and microhabitat selection on seagrass communities
Distribution of deep-water commercial fisheries species-golden crab, tilefish, royal red shrimp-in deep-water habitats off Eastern Florida from submersible and ROV dives
