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A sermon, preached at Trinity Church, in Boston on the day appointed for publick thanksgiving throughout the state of Massachusetts, Dec. 1, 1808
The appeal to Pennsylvania.
An address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Bunker Hill monument
Reception of Mr. Webster at Boston, September 30, 1842 : with his speech, delivered in Faneuil Hall on that occasion.
The Puritan spirit by Charles Wellington Stone. An oration delivered in Templeton, Mass., July 4, 1876.
To encourage mining and manufacturing industries : speech of Sen. J. Hoge Tyler, of Pulaski, delivered in the Senate of Virginia on Friday, February 1st, 1878
General Garfield as a statesman and orator : paragraphs from his speeches in Congress and on the stump
The northern iron : a discourse delivered in the North church, Hartford, on the annual state fast, April 14, 1854
Briev van jonkheer Lodewyk Theodorus grave van Nassau la Leck. &c. &c.
Rechtsgeleerde Memorie, Waar In
Redenvoering Aan Mijne Landgenooten
Instructie zoo voor het volk, als voor de municipaliteit van Delft.
Official proceedings of the National Democratic Convention : held in Cincinnati, June 2-6, 1856 ; published by order of the convention.
The war to end only when the rebellion ceases
Our country and its cause : a discourse preached October 2d, 1864 in the South Presbyterian Church, of Brooklyn
De burgerlyke vryheid in haare heilzaame, de volks-vryheid in haare schadelyke gevolgen voorgesteld, inzonderheid met betrekking tot dit gemeenebest
Eigentliche Beschreibung des Parlements von Engelland
Onpartydigh Verhäl van sommige merwärdige voorvallen in het leven van Arthur, Gräf van Torrington: mitsgaders Eenige änmerkingen overdesselfs proces en ontslaginge
Vaderlandsch voorstel, aan het godsdienstige gedeelte der Nederlandsche natie,
Advis, remontrances et reqvestes avx Estats generavx tenvs à Paris, 1614 par six paisans.
