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Zealots. Five radicals: Saints or sinners
An address, to the freemen of Rhode-Island. By a landholder.
Speech of John H. George, esq. : of Concord, at the mass convention of the democracy of New Hampshire, in honor of the nomination of Gen. Franklin Pierce, held at Concord, N.H., June 10, 1852.
Remarks of Hon. Miles Taylor, of Louisiana, accompanied by a letter to the editors of the Washington Union.
The ovation to Mr. Fillmore : speeches of Mr. Fillmore.
Speech of Mr. Pugh to 50,000 voters : who nominated Vallandigham, and resolved to elect him governor of Ohio
The true conditions of American loyalty : a speech delivered by George Ticknor Curtis, before the Democratic Union Association, March 28th, 1863.
Lessons from the elections for the victors and the vanquished : a discourse delivered before the First Congregational Church, New Bedford, November 9th, 1874
Address to the Democracy of the Union
Against the degradation of the states : an oration delivered before the Peace Democracy at Canton, Stark County, Ohio, July 4, 1863
Address of the State Central Committee.
Speech of Edward C. Delavan, Esq., at a meeting of the friends of Mr. Fillmore, at Ballston, Aug. 9, 1856.
Speech of Honorable Daniel Webster, at Abington, October 9, 1848
Gen. Harrison's speech at the Dayton Convention, September 10, 1840 : Published by the Whig Republican Association, Boston.
An address to the democracy of the United States, on the duty of the Democratic Party, at this crisis.
Speeches of Hon. Horatio Seymour : at the conventions held at Albany, January 31, 1861 and September 10, 1862
"See the conquering hero comes" : principles of Stephen A. Douglas illustrated in his speeches.
Speech of President Buchanan, on the evening of Monday, July 9, 1860.
The Republican platform : revised speech of Hon. E.G. Spaulding, of New York
The Republican Party-- its history and policy : speech of Hon. John Sherman, of Ohio, at the Cooper Institute, in the city of New York, April 13, 1860.
