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Mangrove Morphological Change Across an Environmental Gradients: Implications for Competitive Ability in a Changing Climate.
Standish, Hilary, Proffitt, C. Edward, Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Biological Sciences
In Florida, mangroves have responded to climate change by slowly migrating northward into traditional salt marsh habitat. However, little is understood about the relationships among mangrove growth form plasticity and environmental conditions. In addition, the effects of the mangrove northward expansion on pre-existing salt marsh communities are unknown, especially any influences of differences in tree morphology. The size, canopy structure, and root structure of the three mangrove species...
Show moreIn Florida, mangroves have responded to climate change by slowly migrating northward into traditional salt marsh habitat. However, little is understood about the relationships among mangrove growth form plasticity and environmental conditions. In addition, the effects of the mangrove northward expansion on pre-existing salt marsh communities are unknown, especially any influences of differences in tree morphology. The size, canopy structure, and root structure of the three mangrove species Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, and Laguncularia racemosa were measured at six sites along the east coast of Florida. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the multivariate relationships between environmental and biotic variables. Mangrove growth form varied widely with environmental variables. The results of this study suggest that R. mangle expansion into salt marsh may rely on interactions with salt marsh and shading as well as on climatic variables, which has implications for future mangrove expansion northward in Florida.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Mangrove forests--Florida., Mangrove management., Mangrove ecology., Mangrove conservation., Marine ecosystem management--Florida., Coastal zone management--Florida., Forest ecology., Climatic changes--Florida.
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Paleoclimate of the Late Oligocene Arctic Ocean: Molluscan Isotopic and Biotic Evidence.
Port, Rebecca B., Oleinik, Anton E., Florida Atlantic University
Molluscan isotopic and biotic evidence was used to determine the paleotemperature of the Late Oligocene Arctic Ocean during an important period of climate change. Mollusks were collected from the Nuwok Member type section on the Arctic coast of Alaska. A systematic analysis was conducted to determine the position of Late Oligocene Arctic mollusks within a context of marine Cenozoic evolution and diversification. Oxygen stable isotope ratios of five fossil genera were used to calculate...
Show moreMolluscan isotopic and biotic evidence was used to determine the paleotemperature of the Late Oligocene Arctic Ocean during an important period of climate change. Mollusks were collected from the Nuwok Member type section on the Arctic coast of Alaska. A systematic analysis was conducted to determine the position of Late Oligocene Arctic mollusks within a context of marine Cenozoic evolution and diversification. Oxygen stable isotope ratios of five fossil genera were used to calculate paleotemperatures and analyze growth histories. Taxa were selected to check for compatibility of results between fossil genera from the same environment. Oxygen stable isotope ratios of four recent high-latitude genera were analyzed for comparative purposes. Isotopically derived paleotemperatures represent the first documented quantitative temperatures for the Late Oligocene Arctic Ocean. Isotopic and systematic results give great insight into the extent and degree of Arctic cooling by the Late Oligocene and the origin of modem Arctic mollusks.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Marine animals, Fossil--Arctic Ocean, Geology--Alaska, Deep-sea temperature--Mathematical models, Geology, Stratigraphic--Oligocene, Paleogeography--Alaska
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