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The great lamentation : a sermon in commemoration of Daniel Webster, delivered in Cambridge, on Sunday morning, November 21, 1852  by Rev. William A. Stearns.
Daniel Webster : an oration by the Hon. Edward Everett
security of America's Fourth Amendment rights
Communication from His Excellency the Governor, transmitting certain Resolutions of the legislatures of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia and Alabama.
Remarks of Hon. Henry C. Murphy, of Kings County, upon that portion of the message of His Excellency Governor Seymour, relating to arbitrary arrests, delivered in the Senate, March 5, 1853
Eulogy upon the Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, delivered at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, July 3, 1861
Address of His Excellency John A. Andrew, to the two branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, November 11, 1863.
Roger Brooke Taney : the annual address delivered before the American Bar Association, at its fourth annual meeting, at Saratoga Springs, N.Y., August 18th, 1881
Valedictory address of His Excellency John A. Andrew, to the two branches of the legislature of Massachusetts, January 4, 1866
Review of the Governor's message : speech of Hon. Palmer E. Havens, of Essex
Nixon and the environment
