Current Search:  Identity Psychology (x)

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Children's conceptual understanding of growth
Excuse me (random acts of encounter and exploration)
Identity, power, and ritual "rape play" in the S/M community
The Effects of Competition on Empathy and Prosociality
developmental costs of high self-esteem
Researching first-year student learning and “self- directed” revision
Hello down there
Gender identity and gender stereotypes as interacting influences on children's adjustment
Mind the gap: buck angel and the implications of transgender male in/visibility
Narcissism, perceptions of peer relationships, and target-specific aggression in middle childhood
Understanding narcissism and self-esteem in children
Interpretation of forced and unforced choice behavior
Sports and its effects on gender typing
Mother-adolescent conflict and relationship quality in youth with and without behavior problems
Belongingness and integrative motivation in second language acquisition
Mornings in the Athens of America: stories
Managed Discourse: Legitimizing Principal Identity and Agency
Modes of self-directed attention
The behavioral, emotional, and attentional effects of human baby schema
Toxic Island et L’Empreinte à Crusoé : l’individuation de l’identité franco-antillaise
