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Gender identity and gender stereotypes as interacting influences on children's adjustment
Sports and its effects on gender typing
From "sincere gay woman" to "busty, fem BiWF": A longitudinal test of the generalizations about "lesbians", social class, feminisms and butch and fem
"Starvation taught me art": Tree poaching, gender and cultural shifts in wood curio carving in Zimbabwe
Cultivated food plants: culture and gendered spaces of colonists and the Chachi in Ecuador
The “Shepard” will guide us: a textual analysis of hegemonic reinforcement and resistance in the mass effect video game series
Rereading Gender and the Gothic in Frankenstein and "The Yellow Wallpaper"
spider woman rules no more? The transformation and resilience of Aztec female roles
Space, place, and identity in Yevgeny Zamyatin's We and J.G. Ballard's The Drowned World
dark, uncertain fate
