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Effects of GUS Gene Integration in Tobacco Plants
Effects of MsrA and MsrB During Anoxic Stress in Drosophila melanogaster
International Court of Justice And Regional Bias
Bilingualism Characteristics in Second Generation Latin American Immigrants
A Cross-Lingustic Analysis of Language Effects on Personality Measures in Spanish-English Bilinguals
Electrochemical Process of Biorock for Carbon Dioxide Capture
Analyzing Changes in Salinity and Evaporation on Water Quality
The War on Neologisms in the Italian Language
Public History in the Digital Age
Hedonistic or Epistemic Cultural Immersion: Photo Shorts Methodology
Felix Mendelssohn's Bach revival
Feasibility of an Undergraduate Leadership Studies Program at Florida Atlantic University
Attitudinal Evaluation of Ex-Vivo Cultivated Meat; Exploring Methods of Increasing Appeal
Nf1 Mutations Impair Memory-Related Plasticity in the Drosophila melanogaster Mushroom Body
"Tiger Stripe" Phenomena in Indian River Lagoon Dolphins
Impact of Glutamate In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Conformational Masking in HIV-1
An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Excited States of Isobutene
The Determinants of Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe and the Former USSR
Effects of Electrolytic Lesions of the Reuniens and Rhomboid Nuclei on cognitive behaviors  using the Intradimensional Extradimensional (IED) task in Rats
