Current Search: Cognition (x)
Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks.
Wu, Yueshi, Cardei, Mihaela, Florida Atlantic University, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Cognitive radio technology that enables dynamic spectrum access has been a promising solution for the spectrum scarcity problem. Cognitive radio networks enable the communication on both licensed and unlicensed channels, having the potential to better solve the interference and collision issues. Channel assignment is of great importance in cognitive radio networks. When operating on licensed channels, the objective is to exploit spectrum holes through cognitive communication, giving priority...
Show moreCognitive radio technology that enables dynamic spectrum access has been a promising solution for the spectrum scarcity problem. Cognitive radio networks enable the communication on both licensed and unlicensed channels, having the potential to better solve the interference and collision issues. Channel assignment is of great importance in cognitive radio networks. When operating on licensed channels, the objective is to exploit spectrum holes through cognitive communication, giving priority to the primary users. In this dissertation, we focus on the development of efficient channel assignment algorithms and protocols to improve network performance for cognitive radio wireless networks. The first contribution is on channel assignment for cognitive radio wireless sensor networks aiming to provide robust topology control, as well as to increase network throughput and data delivery rate. The approach is then extended to specific cognitive radio network applications achieving improved performances.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Cognitive radio networks--Technological innovations., Wireless communication systems--Technological innovations., Ad hoc networks (Computer networks), Routing protocols (Computer network protocols)
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Effects of the relationship enhancement® program on social skills, empathy and social support for adults with autism spectrum disorders.
Cunningham, Alexandra, Sperry, Len, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Counselor Education
An important area of research is emerging for adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with respect to the challenges they face in their social relationships. Social relationships include those that are romantic in nature such as dating, cohabitation and marriage. Researchers suggest that engaging in a healthy and happy romantic relationship has many physical and mental health benefits that contribute to improved quality of life. This study used a quasi-experimental group design...
Show moreAn important area of research is emerging for adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with respect to the challenges they face in their social relationships. Social relationships include those that are romantic in nature such as dating, cohabitation and marriage. Researchers suggest that engaging in a healthy and happy romantic relationship has many physical and mental health benefits that contribute to improved quality of life. This study used a quasi-experimental group design to explore the effects of psychoeducation for adults with ASD. Study participants were assigned to one of two group conditions. One group received the Relationship Enhancement®(RE) program and the other received RE with supplements targeting specific social skills. Social skills, empathy and social support were measured pre and post intervention for participants both within and between groups. Significant differences were found in the assessment of all participants, in both groups, as measured by t-tests and effect sizes in the variables of social skills (t(37)=- 2.28-2.72, p=.028-.029, η2=.122) and empathy (t(37)=-2.31, p=.027, η2=.123). These differences indicate that all participants, in both groups improved in social skills and empathy from pre to post treatment. No significant differences were found among all group participants for the variable of social support. There were no significant differences between groups for the three variables measured (p>0.05). Overall, these results provide support for the use of RE and the targeted supplements to increase social skills and empathy among adults with ASD who are interested in engaging in romantic relationships.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Asperger's syndrome -- Patients -- Conduct of life, Asperger's syndrome -- Social aspects, Autism spectrum disorders, Interpersonal relations, Mindfulness based cognitive therapy, Psychology, Pathological
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Determining the Effectiveness of Human Interaction in Human-in-the-Loop Systems by Using Mental States.
Lloyd, Eric, Huang, Shihong, Florida Atlantic University, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
A self-adaptive software is developed to predict the stock market. It’s Stock Prediction Engine functions autonomously when its skill-set suffices to achieve its goal, and it includes human-in-the-loop when it recognizes conditions benefiting from more complex, expert human intervention. Key to the system is a module that decides of human participation. It works by monitoring three mental states unobtrusively and in real time with Electroencephalography (EEG). The mental states are drawn from...
Show moreA self-adaptive software is developed to predict the stock market. It’s Stock Prediction Engine functions autonomously when its skill-set suffices to achieve its goal, and it includes human-in-the-loop when it recognizes conditions benefiting from more complex, expert human intervention. Key to the system is a module that decides of human participation. It works by monitoring three mental states unobtrusively and in real time with Electroencephalography (EEG). The mental states are drawn from the Opportunity-Willingness-Capability (OWC) model. This research demonstrates that the three mental states are predictive of whether the Human Computer Interaction System functions better autonomously (human with low scores on opportunity and/or willingness, capability) or with the human-in-the-loop, with willingness carrying the largest predictive power. This transdisciplinary software engineering research exemplifies the next step of self-adaptive systems in which human and computer benefit from optimized autonomous and cooperative interactions, and in which neural inputs allow for unobtrusive pre-interactions.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Cognitive neuroscience., Neural networks (Computer science), Pattern recognition systems., Artificial intelligence., Self-organizing systems., Human-computer interaction., Human information processing.
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Perceptions of the environment: an ethnographic study of sensory awareness and environmental activism among south Florida yoga practitioners.
Weisner, Meagan L., Cameron, Mary, Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Anthropology
The practice of yoga is an increasingly popularized movement within the West that incorporates the desire for physical fitness, spiritual consciousness, and environmentalism. Emanating from the New Age movement, the popularity of yoga has proliferated as a subculture that seeks to encourage mind–body wellbeing while representing an ethos that assumes environmental responsibility. This thesis examines the techniques of modern yoga and the influence that asana (posture) and meditational...
Show moreThe practice of yoga is an increasingly popularized movement within the West that incorporates the desire for physical fitness, spiritual consciousness, and environmentalism. Emanating from the New Age movement, the popularity of yoga has proliferated as a subculture that seeks to encourage mind–body wellbeing while representing an ethos that assumes environmental responsibility. This thesis examines the techniques of modern yoga and the influence that asana (posture) and meditational relaxation have on the senses and subsequently on environmental awareness and activism.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Cognition and culture, Environmental psychology, Mind and body, Movement therapy, Philosophy of mind, Self consciousness (Awareness), Senses and sensation, Sensorimotor integration, Yoga
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Time-frequency classification of gamma oscillatory activity in the frontoparietal system during working memory.
Romano, Tracy A., Bressler, Steven L., Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Center for Complex Systems and Brain Sciences
Working memory (WM) is a process that allows for the temporary and limited storage of information for an immediate goal or to be stored into a more permanent system. A large number of studies have led to the widely accepted view that WM is mediated by the frontoparietal network (FPN), consisting of areas in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Current evidence suggests that task specific patterns of neuronal oscillatory activity within the FPN play a fundamental...
Show moreWorking memory (WM) is a process that allows for the temporary and limited storage of information for an immediate goal or to be stored into a more permanent system. A large number of studies have led to the widely accepted view that WM is mediated by the frontoparietal network (FPN), consisting of areas in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and posterior parietal cortex (PPC). Current evidence suggests that task specific patterns of neuronal oscillatory activity within the FPN play a fundamental role in WM, and yet specific spatio-temporal properties of this activity are not well characterized. This study utilized multisite local field potential (LFP) data recorded from PFC and PPC sites in two macaque monkeys trained to perform a rule-based, Oculomotor Delayed Match-to-Sample task. The animals were required to learn which of two rules determined the correct match (Location matching or Identity matching). Following a 500 ms fixation period, a sample stimulus was presented for 500 ms, followed by a randomized delay lasting 800-1200 ms in which no stimulus was present. At the end of the delay period, a match stimulus was presented, consisting of two of three possible objects presented at two of three possible locations. When the match stimulus appeared, the monkey made a saccadic eye movement to the target. The rule in effect determined which object served as the target. Time-frequency plots of three spectral measures (power, coherence, and Wiener Granger Causality (WGC) were computed from MultiVariate AutoRegressive LFP time-series models estimated in a 100-ms window that was slid across each of three analysis epochs (fixation, sample, and delay). Low (25- 55 Hz) and high gamma (65- 100 Hz) activity were investigated separately due to evidence that they may be functionally distinct. Within each epoch, recording sites in the PPC and PFC were classified into groups according to the similarity of their power t-f plots derived by a K-means clustering algorithm. From the power-based site groups, the corresponding coherence and WGC were analyzed. This classification procedure uncovered spatial, temporal, and frequency dynamics of FPN involvement in WM and other co-occurring processes, such as sensory and target related processes. These processes were distinguishable by rule and performance accuracy across all three spectral measures- power, coherence, and WGC. Location and Identity rule were distinguishable by the low and high-gamma range.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Brain--Physiology., Biological rhythms., Attention--Physiological aspects., Cognitive neuroscience., Memory--Age factors., Short-term memory., Neural networks (Computer science)
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The Effects of Case Conceptualization Training Over Time and Its Relationship to Practitioner Attitudes Towards Evidence-Based Practice.
Stoupas, George, Sperry, Len, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Counselor Education
The purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental study was to examine the effects of a standardized case conceptualization training workshop on 104 psychotherapy practitioners recruited from the community. A secondary purpose was to examine the relationship between participants’ attitudes about evidence-based practice and the effects of the training. Participants attended two 3-hour training workshops, which taught the integrative case conceptualization model developed by Sperry (2010b)....
Show moreThe purpose of this quantitative, quasi-experimental study was to examine the effects of a standardized case conceptualization training workshop on 104 psychotherapy practitioners recruited from the community. A secondary purpose was to examine the relationship between participants’ attitudes about evidence-based practice and the effects of the training. Participants attended two 3-hour training workshops, which taught the integrative case conceptualization model developed by Sperry (2010b). Pre- and postintervention case conceptualization skills were assessed using the Case Conceptualization Evaluation Form (CCEF) 2.0, an updated version of the instrument used in previous studies. Additionally, participants’ views about case conceptualization were assessed before and after training using the Views about Case Conceptualization (VACC) instrument. Participants’ attitudes about evidence-based practice were also examined as a possible mediating variable between training and effect. These attitudes were assessed using the Evidence-Based Practice Attitudes Scale (EBPAS). Workshops were separated by four weeks in order to assess whether initial training effects persisted over time. Change in case conceptualization skill was analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Participants’ mean CCEF 2.0 scores significantly increased (p < .001) from pre-test (M = 11.9; SD = 7.74) to post-test (M = 36.7; SD = 7.80) following the first workshop. The second workshop took place four weeks later with 74 of the original 104 participants. It built on the content of the first workshop and introduced advanced concepts such as client culture, strengths and protective factors, and predictive ability. Participants’ mean CCEF 2.0 scores also significantly increased (p < .001) from pre-test (M = 35.1; SD = 8.11) to post-test (M = 66.3; SD = 10.95) following the second workshop. There was a small but statistically significant (p < .005) decrease of 1.5 points in mean scores from the end of Workshop I to Workshop II, indicating that the effects of the training deteriorate slowly over time. Participants’ attitudes about evidence based practice and some demographic variables were significantly related to training effects. Stepwise hierarchical regression analysis determined that these individual variables account for various portions of the variance in CCEF 2.0 scores. This study’s theoretical, practice, and research implications are discussed in detail.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Clinical psychology--Methodology., Client-centered psychotherapy., Psychiatry--Case formulation., Evidence-based medicine., Cognitive therapy., Behavioral assessment., Counseling--Evaluation., Social sciences--Methodology.
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Using WatchMinder to increase the on-task behavior of students with autism spectrum disorder.
Finn, Lisa., College of Education, Department of Exceptional Student Education
In this study the effectiveness of WatchMinderTM, a vibrating prompt watch, was examined as a component of a self-monitoring intervention package to help students with autism increase on-task behavior during independent seatwork. A multitude of literature since the 1970s has suggested that self-monitoring interventions are integral in increasing task engagement. Tactile prompting devices are a new aspect of self-monitoring interventions, and the limited research has shown that these...
Show moreIn this study the effectiveness of WatchMinderTM, a vibrating prompt watch, was examined as a component of a self-monitoring intervention package to help students with autism increase on-task behavior during independent seatwork. A multitude of literature since the 1970s has suggested that self-monitoring interventions are integral in increasing task engagement. Tactile prompting devices are a new aspect of self-monitoring interventions, and the limited research has shown that these unobtrusive devices are effective for providing feedback to monitor their behavior. Self-graphing is another component of self-monitoring interventions that has received little attention in the literature. However, many studies recognize the importance for individuals to be active participants in their educational programs by analyzing progress and being a part of the decision making process. This study assessed the use of WatchMinder and self-graphing on the on-task behavior of four elementary students with autism in the special education setting.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Autism spectrum disorders in children, Treatment, Autism spectrum disorders in children, Behavior modification, Behavior disorders in children, Treatment, Communication in education, Cognitive therapy, Methodology
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Relationship Between Psychological Factors and Acute Strength Task Performance.
Haischer, Michael H., Zourdos, Michael C., Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion
The purpose of this research was to investigate if various psychological wellbeing assessments can predict maximal strength performance and self-scored rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in the back squat. Fifty-eight resistance-trained males and females were recruited, and reported to the laboratory on one day. Subjects completed eight different scales and questionnaires before completing one-repetition maximum (1RM) testing of the squat, followed by two single-repetition sets at 30%, 40%,...
Show moreThe purpose of this research was to investigate if various psychological wellbeing assessments can predict maximal strength performance and self-scored rating of perceived exertion (RPE) in the back squat. Fifty-eight resistance-trained males and females were recruited, and reported to the laboratory on one day. Subjects completed eight different scales and questionnaires before completing one-repetition maximum (1RM) testing of the squat, followed by two single-repetition sets at 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 90% of 1RM, and a set to volitional fatigue at 70% of 1RM. Cognitive anxiety and hypersomnia were found to be positive and negative predictors (p<0.05), respectively, of 1RM performance. Further, self-confidence, grit, and perceived recovery status were significant negative predictors of RPE (p<0.05). Finally, PRS was discovered to be a positive predictor of subject-reported 1RM self-efficacy (b=0.39, t=3.14, p<0.01, R2=0.15).
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Exercise--Health aspects., Exercise--Psychological aspects., Sports--Psychological aspects., Performance--Psychological aspects., Cognitive psychology., Self-efficacy., Control (Psychology), Sleep deprivation--Social aspects.
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Cognition and adherence in older adults undergoing hemodialysis.
Hain, Debra J., Florida Atlantic University, Liehr, Patricia
Background. Adherence to the behavioral change component of the hemodialysis regimen is difficult for many reasons; when individuals fail to adhere, the nurses often become frustrated and individuals may be labeled nonadherent leading to inappropriate interventions. As the number of older adults starting hemodialysis increases, one contributing factor to nonadherence in this population may be cognitive impairment. Objective. The overall purpose of the study was to explore differences in...
Show moreBackground. Adherence to the behavioral change component of the hemodialysis regimen is difficult for many reasons; when individuals fail to adhere, the nurses often become frustrated and individuals may be labeled nonadherent leading to inappropriate interventions. As the number of older adults starting hemodialysis increases, one contributing factor to nonadherence in this population may be cognitive impairment. Objective. The overall purpose of the study was to explore differences in global cognition, in self-report cognition, and in language ability relative to adherence in a sample of older adults undergoing hemodialysis. Methods. This pilot study examined the differences in cognition and adherence of older adults (≥60 years) undergoing out-patient hemodialysis three times a week for at least one year. Nonprobability purposive sampling was used to obtain a sample from multiple centers which offered a diverse sample of study participants (n=63). Stories of the challenges of making life style changes were audiotaped and analyzed with linguistic analysis and word count (LIWC) software and various standardized instruments that measure global cognition (3MS and MMSE), self-report cognition (KDQOL-CF) and language ability (COWA, subsets of BDAE Reading: Sentence and Paragraph and BDAE Complex Ideation) were administered during hemodialysis. Determination of adherence or nonadherence (based on literature) was completed as the last activity of data collection. Results. Statistical significance was not achieved when exploring the difference of global cognition, self-report cognition, and language ability relative to adherence (p > .05). A relationship between structural elements of big words, cognitive process and insight words used in story and measures of adherence was revealed (p < .05). Although statistical significance was not reached the descriptive data supports that a relationship between cognitive impairment and measures of adherence were present across groups. The majority (64%) of nonadherent participants had cognitive impairment; 34% of the middle group and 5% of the adherent group had cognitive impairment. Discussion. Cognitive impairment is prevalent among older adults undergoing hemodialysis, however a relationship between cognitive impairment and adherence was not revealed in this study. This may be the result of the small sample size and adherence markers that were not sensitive in this population. This preliminary work offered a descriptive foundation which generated more questions that may be answered with further research.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Hemodialysis--Psychological aspects, Chronic renal failure--Patients--Rehabilitation, Adjustment (Psychology), Cognition in old age, Patient compliance, Clinical health psychology
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Auditory event-related potentials (P300) in the assessment of cognition in HIV infected children.
Starratt, Gerene K., Florida Atlantic University, Nash, Allan J.
The P300 component of the auditory event-related potential waveform was investigated in two groups of HIV positive children (symptomatic and asymptomatic) who were compared to HIV negative relatives. Results demonstrated the expected increased latencies of the P3b component in the symptomatic group, but no P3a latency differences. Amplitude measures of P3a and P3b showed no group differences. However, the symptomatic children had relatively larger P3a amplitudes whereas the asymptomatic...
Show moreThe P300 component of the auditory event-related potential waveform was investigated in two groups of HIV positive children (symptomatic and asymptomatic) who were compared to HIV negative relatives. Results demonstrated the expected increased latencies of the P3b component in the symptomatic group, but no P3a latency differences. Amplitude measures of P3a and P3b showed no group differences. However, the symptomatic children had relatively larger P3a amplitudes whereas the asymptomatic children had a larger P3b. Difference measures (P3b minus P3a) revealed a significant difference across groups. Discussion focuses on three interrelated issues: (1) the cognitive mechanisms which could account for the current findings, (2) the relevance of a symptomatic/asymptomatic distinction and a P3a/P3b distinction for the purposes of clinical research, and (3) the clinical implications of these findings.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Evoked potentials (Electrophysiology), Auditory evoked response, Perception in children--Testing, Cognition in children--Testing, Psychological tests for children, AIDS (Disease) in children
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Specific and non-specific cognitive operations as language options for memory questions: AnfMRI study.
Jantzen, McNeel Gordon., Florida Atlantic University, Ashworth, Sara
In order for memory questions to accomplish the goals of questions, teachers need to determine specific content and cognitive goals for each question so that questions can direct learners' attention and reinforce an organizational structure for the encoding of information. The purpose of this study was to examine the language used in memory questions for assessment purposes and to examine whether different language options used when formulating memory questions engaged brain areas related to...
Show moreIn order for memory questions to accomplish the goals of questions, teachers need to determine specific content and cognitive goals for each question so that questions can direct learners' attention and reinforce an organizational structure for the encoding of information. The purpose of this study was to examine the language used in memory questions for assessment purposes and to examine whether different language options used when formulating memory questions engaged brain areas related to memory and cognition. The language of the questions can affect the cognitive process by which the answer is derived. The two language options that affect cognitive processes are non-specific and specific. This study supplements teachers' working knowledge of the methods and techniques for questioning by providing a basic understanding of cognitive processes that different questions can evoke. This study used techniques from neuroscience to test hypotheses derived directly from education-based theories of cognition in order to validate educational theory. Neuroscience provides knowledge about how the brain senses, processes, stores, and retrieves information. It also provides findings that can be translated into practical applications for the classroom. Therefore, the relationship between education and neuroscience contributes to effective planning, practices, and assessment; it allows a more comprehensive understanding of the difficulties and apprehensions associated with learning. The following study utilized fMRI to answer the general question of the relationship between the memory processes associated with specific and non-specific questions. Seventeen undergraduate and graduate students from a university in South Florida served as subjects. Subjects were presented with a stimulus consisting of specific questions, non-specific questions, and control statements. All questions/statements followed the design of 8 seconds to read the question/statement, 10 seconds to "think" about the answer to the question or the material presented in the statement, 4 seconds for response using a "yes" or "no" button, and a 12 second rest period. Images collected were analyzed using AFNI. Specific cognitive operations improved efficiency for the retrieval of information from memory. Results elucidate differences in neural activity associated with encoding processes and the retrieval of information from memory based on the language used in specific and non-specific questions.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Cognitive learning, Education--Effect of technological innovations on, Experiential learning, Brain--Psychophysiology, Learning--Physiological aspects, Recollection (Psychology), Memory
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The effect of age on processing family, famous and novel faces: An fMRI study.
Jones, Lana Casey, Florida Atlantic University, Tuller, Betty, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Psychology
Facial recognition memory is a specialized system in the human brain, with an effect of familiarity playing a role in the brain activations involved. Previous studies examining the familiar face processing system have used college-aged subjects. However, memory disorders, like those associated with Alzheimer's disease, typically affect adults over sixty. In an attempt to reveal possible differences between young and older adults', two different age groups were subjected to fMRI analysis while...
Show moreFacial recognition memory is a specialized system in the human brain, with an effect of familiarity playing a role in the brain activations involved. Previous studies examining the familiar face processing system have used college-aged subjects. However, memory disorders, like those associated with Alzheimer's disease, typically affect adults over sixty. In an attempt to reveal possible differences between young and older adults', two different age groups were subjected to fMRI analysis while viewing face images with varying familiarity (family, famous and novel). The result showed a significant difference in activations for various cortical areas including the precuneus, cingulate cortex, and fusiform gyrus. Among the differences, an overall trend of greater activation in the left hemisphere for younger subjects compared to the older group was revealed. The results have implications for the study of memory disorders afflicting older adults, like Alzheimer's disease.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Brain--Magnetic resonance imaging, Evoked potentials (Electrophysiology), Memory, Cognition--Age factors, Aging--Psychological aspects, Memory disorders in old age
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Antecedents and Outcomes of Language Choice in Bilingual Toddlers: A Longitudinal Study.
Ribot, Krystal M., Hoff, Erika, Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Psychology
Bilingual children sometimes respond to their interlocutors using a different language than the one in which they were addressed. These language choices, their concurrent correlates, and relations to subsequent language growth were examined in 91 Spanish-English bilingual children (44 girls, 47 boys). Children's language choices were assessed at 30 months, and their English and Spanish productive vocabularies and receptive language skills were examined at the ages of 30, 36, and 42 months....
Show moreBilingual children sometimes respond to their interlocutors using a different language than the one in which they were addressed. These language choices, their concurrent correlates, and relations to subsequent language growth were examined in 91 Spanish-English bilingual children (44 girls, 47 boys). Children's language choices were assessed at 30 months, and their English and Spanish productive vocabularies and receptive language skills were examined at the ages of 30, 36, and 42 months. Children's language choices were concurrently related to English and Spanish productive and receptive language scores and to mothers' English and Spanish proficiency levels. Longitudinal multi-level modeling analyses indicated that children's language choices at 30 months were uniquely related to language growth on measures of English and Spanish productive vocabulary and Spanish receptive language, when controlling for language expo sure. These findings suggest that language use plays a causal role in language development. The findings of this study have implications for the maintenance of heritage languages in the U.S. and for the development of children's English language skills.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Bilingualism in children, Code switching (Lingustics), Cognitive learning, Language acquisition -- Parent participation, Language transfer (Language learning), Second language acquisition, Verbal ability in children -- Testing
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Culture as a factor in the motivation of heritage speakers to study Spanish at the college level in South Florida.
Seiden, Carolina M., Florida Atlantic University, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature
The purpose of this study is to understand culture as a factor in the motivation of heritage speakers of Spanish to study Spanish at the college level in South Florida. 59 participants divided into three groups of heritage speakers of Spanish at Florida Atlantic University at Boca Raton participated in a questionnaire survey, for a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. Subjects were grouped according to the degree of involvement in Spanish-related activities at the college...
Show moreThe purpose of this study is to understand culture as a factor in the motivation of heritage speakers of Spanish to study Spanish at the college level in South Florida. 59 participants divided into three groups of heritage speakers of Spanish at Florida Atlantic University at Boca Raton participated in a questionnaire survey, for a combination of quantitative and qualitative analyses. Subjects were grouped according to the degree of involvement in Spanish-related activities at the college-level. The instrument was a combination of Likert-scale questions as well as open-ended questions aimed at clarifying or expanding on topics presented during the Likert-scale part of the questionnaire. The findings of this study indicate that most heritage speakers understood culture as a part of their identity. Students who were enrolled in Spanish classes were not just looking to expand their Spanish knowledge, but to re-connect and re-establish links with their cultural heritage. Finally, those who chose not to study Spanish cite as their most important reason a dislike for the Spanish language. The results revealed the following implications for the heritage speaker curriculum: the need to address the unique demographic make-up of Spanish heritage speakers in South Florida; the necessity for a consistent and reliable methodology for the identification of heritage speakers, and; the importance of instructors' sensitivity to regional and social dialect variation.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Cognition and culture, Spanish language, Study and teaching (Higher), Spanish speakers, Language and languages, Study and teaching (Higher), Social aspects, Language and culture, Study and teaching (Higher), Social aspects
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A Case Study of the Reported Use of Metacognitive Reading Strategies by Postsecondary Instructors of Developmental Reading Courses With Struggling Adult Readers to Increase Comprehension.
Drayton, Audrita, Baxley, Traci P., Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Curriculum, Culture, and Educational Inquiry
This qualitative research study examined developmental reading instructors' reported use of metacognitive reading strategies as well as what other approaches they used to improve and increase the reading comprehension of their struggling adult readers. The researcher collected data using two interviews per participant and document analyses. Although studies have deemed metacognitive reading strategies effective in increasing the reading comprehension of struggling readers, the results...
Show moreThis qualitative research study examined developmental reading instructors' reported use of metacognitive reading strategies as well as what other approaches they used to improve and increase the reading comprehension of their struggling adult readers. The researcher collected data using two interviews per participant and document analyses. Although studies have deemed metacognitive reading strategies effective in increasing the reading comprehension of struggling readers, the results indicated that the participants did not typically instruct their struggling adult readers in the use of metacognitive reading strategies. The implications for the study were related to instructional practice in developmental reading courses, policy changes, and struggling readers.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Metacognition--Case studies., Reading comprehension--Case studies., Learning strategies--Case studies., Motivation in education--Case studies., Action research in education--Case studies., Cognitive learning--Case studies.
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Adult learning for healthy aging: an investigation of health literacy and technology use in older adults.
Swann, Elizabeth G., Bryan, Valerie, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology
This study explored the healthy aging process by: (a) examining the selected demographics of older adults in South Florida; (b) examining technology use of older adults in South Florida; (c) examining the health literacy levels of older adults in South Florida; (d) determining whether a relationship exists between older adults living in South Florida use of technology and their health literacy levels; and (e) evaluating the effects of health literacy as it relates to technology use in older...
Show moreThis study explored the healthy aging process by: (a) examining the selected demographics of older adults in South Florida; (b) examining technology use of older adults in South Florida; (c) examining the health literacy levels of older adults in South Florida; (d) determining whether a relationship exists between older adults living in South Florida use of technology and their health literacy levels; and (e) evaluating the effects of health literacy as it relates to technology use in older adults in South Florida. Variables explored included health literacy, education, ethnicity, and technology use. The sample study included 102 older adults (age > 60) living in South Florida that had completed profiles on the South Florida Quality Aging Registry, a part of the Healthy Aging Research Initiative (HARI). The sample size represented 22.3% of the total South Florida Quality Aging Registry population. The ethnicities of the participants among the South Florida Quality Aging Registry were African American (17%); Afro Caribbean (7.8%); Hispanic (10.7%); and European American (63.7%). The education mean was 15, indicating that the majority of participants had an education level equivalent to completing high school. The mean health literacy score was 3.88, demonstrating that the majority of the participants had moderate levels of health literacy. The mean technology use score was 7.5 on a scale of one through ten, indicating that the majority of the participants had a moderate level of technology use. Analysis of variance, correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis was used to explore the variables that may influence health literacy. There was a statistically significant difference among Afro Caribbean and African American, Afro Caribbean and European American, European American and Hispanic ethnicities related to their health literacy skill level (p < .01). Additionally, there was a statistically significant difference among Afro Caribbean American and European American ethnicities and technology use (p. < .01).
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Aging -- Psychological aspects, Aging -- Social aspects, Cognition in old age, Computers and older people, Health behavior, Internet and older people, Older people -- Health and hygiene, Technology and older people
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The effects of reciprocal teaching on the science literacy of intermediate elementary students in inclusive science classes.
DiLorenzo, Kim E., College of Education, Department of Exceptional Student Education
Intermediate elementary students (grades 4 and 5) frequently struggle to become scientifically literate in their general education classrooms. Scientific literacy includes knowing how to access and use information found in science texts. Unfortunately, many students struggle to read and understand science texts (Michalsky, Mevarech, & Haibi, 2009, p. 363). Fortunately, elementary students have shown improvement in reading comprehension when explicitly instructed in cognitive and metacognitive...
Show moreIntermediate elementary students (grades 4 and 5) frequently struggle to become scientifically literate in their general education classrooms. Scientific literacy includes knowing how to access and use information found in science texts. Unfortunately, many students struggle to read and understand science texts (Michalsky, Mevarech, & Haibi, 2009, p. 363). Fortunately, elementary students have shown improvement in reading comprehension when explicitly instructed in cognitive and metacognitive strategies to comprehend expository text in settings that support collaboration and flexible application of comprehension strategies, and have meaningful opportunities for reading and writing (Mastropieri & Scruggs, 2004; Palincsar & Klenk, 1992). A method that includes these components is reciprocal teaching (RT; National Reading Panel, 2000). RT has been used during content area instruction to increase reading comprehension skills of intermediate elementary students without disabilities in general education classrooms (King & Johnson, 1999; Lederer, 2000; Lubliner, 2004). These reading comprehension gains have been maintained by students on follow-up tests after the RT intervention has been withdrawn (Palincsar & Brown, 1984; Westera & Moore, 1995). This study examined the effects of RT on the science literacy of intermediate elementary students (grades 4-5) participating in inclusive science classes. Students with learning disabilities (SWLD), students at-risk (AR), and students in general education (GE) participated in this study. General education teachers used RT with science texts to improve science literacy. Pre/post science quizzes were used to assess the effects of the RT intervention, and post/follow-up tests assessed potential maintenance of the RT. s, Analyses of the data showed that the RT intervention resulted in improved science comprehension overall, and for each student group. In addition, the results showed that the gains were maintained for the individual student grouping after the RT intervention was removed, although these gains were not found overall.The study demonstrated that the use of RT during science instruction in inclusive, intermediate elementary classes assisted students who are AR, SWLD, and students in GE to attain science knowledge using standard science texts and materials. These results extend the experimental literature on science literacy and reciprocal teaching, particularly among intermediate elementary students.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Science, Study and teaching (Elementary), Thought and thinking, Study and teaching (Elementary), Language arts (Elementary), Correlation with content subjects, Inquiry-based learning, Cognitive learning, Academic achievement, Interdisciplinary approach in education
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Teacher perceptions of response to intervention for English learners.
McCahill, Tiffany Patella, Burnaford, Gail, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education, Department of Curriculum, Culture, and Educational Inquiry
The current qualitative study focuses on how teachers perceive the Response to Intervention (RtI) framework for English learners, specifically assessments and the instructional decision-making process. RtI serves as a framework to help “close the gap” and create a more equitable environment for struggling English learners (Florida Department of Education, 2008). The current study explored elementary school general education teachers’ perceptions and understanding of the RtI process for...
Show moreThe current qualitative study focuses on how teachers perceive the Response to Intervention (RtI) framework for English learners, specifically assessments and the instructional decision-making process. RtI serves as a framework to help “close the gap” and create a more equitable environment for struggling English learners (Florida Department of Education, 2008). The current study explored elementary school general education teachers’ perceptions and understanding of the RtI process for English learners. Eight elementary general education teachers participated in two interview sessions each to address what general education teachers know about the RtI process for English learners, how teachers report their interpretation of policies and procedures with respect to instruction and assessment of English learners, how teachers feel about their understanding of RtI, and how teachers feel about their understanding of instruction and assessment for English learners. Teacher participants shared their knowledge of the importance of progress monitoring and data collection during the RtI process. Participants reported that progress monitoring and data collection were used to inform instructional decisions for English learners. Participants also provided insight into a shift in teacher accountability related to data collection and progress monitoring. Teacher participants addressed elements of the RtI process: three tiers of RtI, evidence-based interventions, data and data collection, and progress monitoring. Based on teacher responses, teachers monitor student progress, but find some elements of progress monitoring unclear. Participants expressed concern about measuring student progress and the means used to demonstrate growth and to compare struggling students to the performance of peers in the same grade level. The RtI framework includes targeted interventions for struggling students, and participants perceive that RtI helps to identify students with disabilities earlier. Participants reported benefits and drawbacks related to RtI. The participants specifically focused on the collaborative problem solving team as a beneficial support system for teachers navigating the RtI process. Teachers reported perceptions on language acquisition and learning disabilities, adjustment time for English learners, assessments for English learners, parental involvement and experiences, instruction for English learners, and professional development and support for the instruction of English learners.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Cognitive styles in children, Education, Bilingual, English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, English language -- Study and teaching as a second language, Individual differences, Language teachers, Training of, Response to intervention (Learning disabled children), Second language acquisition
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Effects of teaching mathematics to learning style perceptual preference on academic achievement of seventh-grade middle school students.
Colarulli, Rosemary, Florida Atlantic University, Kerensky, Vasil M.
Teaching methods that are effective with some students, fail with other students, because students perceive and process information differently. The personal preference by which one perceives and processes new material is called one's learning style. Using the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Inventory assessment instrument, the learning style perceptual preference of 262 seventh grade students from a large, urban, middle school in southeast Florida were identified. This research investigated the...
Show moreTeaching methods that are effective with some students, fail with other students, because students perceive and process information differently. The personal preference by which one perceives and processes new material is called one's learning style. Using the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Inventory assessment instrument, the learning style perceptual preference of 262 seventh grade students from a large, urban, middle school in southeast Florida were identified. This research investigated the effects of teaching mathematics to the preferred perceptual preference of these students in terms of academic achievement. Four teachers were trained in the Dunn and Dunn learning style teaching model to acquaint them with the experimental treatment used in this study. A pretest-posttest design was used to observe the mean gain in achievement scores on a 25-element assessment between students taught using a traditional teaching format and those taught in the learning style treatment approach. All students in the experimental group were first introduced to new mathematics material with a global story and taught in their primary learning style perceptual preference: (a) auditory, (b) tactile, (c) kinesthetic, or (d) visual. The material was reinforced through their secondary preference and a creative, student-constructed project was shared with the classmates. Several two-way factorial analyses of variance were used to study the treatment effect on the dependent variable. Neither the main effect for treatment nor the interactions between treatment and demographic variables (race, gender, learning styles) were significant at the.05 level. Within the context of this study, teaching through a student's perceptual learning style preference does not appear to be significantly more effective than teaching in a traditional manner.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Learning, Psychology of
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A gendered approach to synaesthesia using the poetry of John Keats and Emily Dickinson.
Lucky-Medford, Lindsay., Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, Department of English
The Greek term synaesthesia, which literally translates into 'perceiving together,' is known among most literary critics as the mixing of sensations. The term is applied in literature to the description of one kind of sensation in terms of another. For instance: 'hearing' a color or 'seeing' a 'smell.' That is, the description of sounds in terms of colors such as a "blue note;" of colors in terms of sound such as "loud shirt;" of sound in terms of taste such as "how sweet the sound;" and of...
Show moreThe Greek term synaesthesia, which literally translates into 'perceiving together,' is known among most literary critics as the mixing of sensations. The term is applied in literature to the description of one kind of sensation in terms of another. For instance: 'hearing' a color or 'seeing' a 'smell.' That is, the description of sounds in terms of colors such as a "blue note;" of colors in terms of sound such as "loud shirt;" of sound in terms of taste such as "how sweet the sound;" and of colors in terms of temperature such as a "cool green." Although synaesthesia has been used by a variety of poets throughout the centuries, my focus will be on its use in the poetry of John Keats and Emily Dickinson. While critics and scholars have considered this subject before, normally it is approached in terms of its specific meaning within a particular poem. In contrast, I argue that Keats and Dickinson employ synaesthesia to crystallize a poetic perspective, a literary world view, and that this perspective significantly pertains to a variety of gender issues in the nineteenth century. Consequently, I contend that both poets were dealing with the large theme of an imaginative poetic world in which synaesthesia transmutes and synthesizes gender so that a "blue note," male and female, are radically the same and yet "other." After reviewing the scholarship of synaesthesia in Keats's and Dickinson's poetry, I will analyze a series of poems that illustrate my thesis, fleshing out the implications of a gender synthesis that makes us see both poets challenging and subverting the gendered commonplaces of the 19th century.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Criticism and interpretation, Versification, Criticism and interpretation, Versification, Synesthesia, Senses and sensation, Emotions and cognition
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