Current Search:  VanZwieten, James H. (x)

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Advanced Adaptive Torque Control of Hydrokinetic Turbines
Experimental Hydrodynamic Performance Assessment Of the SNMREC’s 20 kW Ocean Current Turbine
Model-based global assessment of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) power potential
Adaptive Control of In-Stream Ocean Current Turbines for Load Reduction
A Measurement Based Analysis of the Hydrokinetic Energy in the Gulf Stream
Computational Fluid Dynamics Prediction of a Modified Savonius Wind Turbine with Novel Blade Shapes
Numerical simulations of a horizontal axis water turbine designed for underwater mooring platforms
Numerical simulation tool for moored marine hydrokinetic turbines
Automatic Station Keeping of Small Twin Screw Boats
Modeling and control of the "C-Plane" ocean current turbine
Numerical Simulation of an Ocean Current Turbine Operating in a Wake Field
Optimization of an Ocean Current Turbine Design and Prediction of Wake Propagation in an Array
Spectral evaluation of motion compensated adv systems for ocean turbulence measurements