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An Exploration of Indexed and Non-Indexed Open Access Journals: Identifying Metadata Coding Variations
The impact of parent communications and expectations on teacher practices in private Jewish day schools
Approaching Authentic Assessment: Using Virtual School Teachers’ Expertise to Develop an Understanding of Full Time K-8 Virtual School Teacher Practices
An examination of how middle school science teachers conduct collaborative inquiry and reflection about students’ conceptual understanding
An Analysis of High-Performing Science Students’ Preparation for Collegiate Sciences Courses
Aspiring to a Higher Education: Students’ Perception of Christian Campus Culture at Selected Christian
A Comparative Analysis of Required Continuing Education in Florida SB1108 and Teacher Self-Efficacy for Inclusion
Elementary school teachers’ perceptions of bullying and antibullying curriculum: a qualitative case study
Fostering Creativity Using Special Library Collections: A Case Study of The Arthur & Mata Jaffe Center For The Book Arts
Going on the Grid: Secondary Teachers’ Implementation of Mobile Handheld Devices as Instructional Tools
Precursors Of Sexualization: Perspectives of Mothers and Female Teachers Regarding the Influence of the Media on 4-Year-Old Girls’ Gender Identity Development
The Social Construction Of Teachers and the Teaching Profession Among Florida State Legislators from 1984 to 2015
The Relationship Between Sense of Belonging and Instructor Self-Efficacy Among Online Adjunct Faculty in Higher Education
Lutheran school teachers’ instructional usage of the interactive whiteboard
Here, Let Me Show You: The Use of Senior Exhibitions in Conjunction with Traditional Assessments
Missed Opportunities and Connections in Teacher Learning
Multicultural education and high school English teachers: a teacher awareness study
Technology, Textbooks, and Mathematics: Perceptions of Online Math Homework from Traditional High School Students Enrolled in Private Schools
Simulation For A Continuing Professional Education Course: Examining The Learning Gains And Perceptions Of Athletic Trainers
Teacher Perceptions of Technology Integration Professional Development in a 1:1 Chromebook Environment