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Sheepshead, a potential American sea bream for farming
Snook culture
Hormone-induced ovulation of black sea bass females and rearing of larvae
Grouper culture
Marine fish culture
Characteristics of some warm water marine fish with aquaculture potential
Feeding intensively-cultured marine fish larvae
Life history andconservation of the Nassau grouper
Marine fish nutrition
Progress in the aquaculture of Nassaugroupers
Grouper culture
Energy utilization in bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli, and black sea bass, Centropristis striata striata, eggs and larvae
Symposium summary: biology and aquaculture
Grouper culture for the Caribbean: Progress report
Spawning by captive serranid fishes: a review
Species profile: Grouper aquaculture
Spawning and development of Nassau grouper at Grand Cayman
Technical notes:  Laboratory spawning of sheepshead
Snook and tarpon snook culture and preliminary evaluation for commercial farming
Sheepshead culture and preliminary evaluation for farming
