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The Evolution of Brand Strategy
Should an Innovator Embrace the Prototypical, Authentic, or the High-Design Form? Insights into Initial Perceptions of Functionality, Ergonomics, Hedonism, Self-Expression, Authenticity, and Information Search of Dune Buggy Product Design Forms
Aesthetic, Functional, Symbolic, and Ergonomic Impressions: Implications for HoverboardProduct Design Form
Are Strip Down Versus Lifestyle Embellished Visual Concepts Prudent or Imprudent: Implications for Concept Test Design
The Role of Persuasion Theory and Advertising Message Strategy: Implications for attacking a market Leader
Laboratory Industry Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Do birds of a feather really flock together: The effects of relatability of college lifestyles in advertisements
Challenging Source Effects Theory: The Case of High-Technology Computers
Consumer varied purchasing behavior: Definition, taxonomy and scale development
Branding and Advertising Strategy for FitBit Flex-2: Implications From Survey Research and Persuasion Theory