Current Search:   Scarlatos, Panagiotis Pete D. (x)

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Artificial neural network prediction of alluvial river geometry
Artificial neural network prediction of ground-level ozone concentration in Palm Beach County
Water tables and drainage uniformity in the Everglades Agricultural Area
laboratory measurement of soluble phosphorus diffusion coefficients in kaolinite and bentonite clay sediments
Ecological impact of arsenic, chromium and lead from application of recovered screened material on Florida soils
Application of G.I.S. for the stormwater drainage facilities, Village of Tequesta
Dynamic modeling of two layered stratification
Modeling of gasoline emissions from stationary and mobile sources at Port Everglades
Modeling of sedimentation processes in closed-end canals
Nitrate partitioning between water and sediments
Oscillating-tank experiments for quantification of water-sediment phosphorus exchange
Sediment exchange in tidal inlets
Reliability and accuracy of a GPS unit for tracking vehicles in Palm Beach and Broward counties
Settling of fine particles
effect of pollution prevention in wood furniture, marina and auto repair industries
impacts analysis of the proposed Indian River Lagoon upland impoundment water preserve area (WPA) system on the St. Lucie Estuary in Martin County, Florida
evaluation of the certainty of system performance measures generated by the South Florida Water Management Model
Modeling of a storm water system: Village of Tequesta level of service study
role of monitoring wells in modern landfill designs
FAU Climate Change Initiative Priority Theme: Research, Engineering, and Adaption to a Change Climate