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Betty Friedan and "The Feminine Mystique": An example of rhetorical exclusion
Fashion as communication: Jacqueline Kennedy's rhetoric of style
Enthymemes in magazine advertisements: An analysis of Oneida silverware ads from 1900 to 1990
Puppetry as rhetoric: An effective forum for argument
Resounding the lyrical possibilities for women: Constitutive rhetoric and the ideological dimensions of Hillary Rodham Clinton's discourse
Leadership on trial: A study of Nelson Mandela's rhetorical strategies
rhetorical analysis of selected misogynous discourses and their gender reverse
rhetoric of Christian colleges: Organizational discourse and unobtrusive control in higher education
Grading the scholars: Measuring the impact of field dependence on rhetorical analyses of abortion arguments
Goethe and Wordsworth: A comparative analysis
Janis Joplin's revolt against conventional femininity: A pentadic analysis of selected lyrics
Choices and Persuasion: A Rhetorical Analysis of Abortion Minded Social Media Content
Dialogues About Race Relations: What Kind of Talk is Needed to Overcome Racial Conflict?
Image Restoration in the Apologetic in the Apologetic Rhetoric of Professional Athletes: A Case Study of Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Phelps
Through the North Door: The Invocation of Invitational Rhetoric in Wiccan Rituals
The rhetoric of law and love: legally (re)defining  marriage
The Gendered Rhetoric of Product Design: Why Are You Over Paying for Your Gender?