Current Search:   Howard, Robert K. (x)

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The trophic ecology of caridean shrimps in an eelgrass community
Measurements of short-term turnover of epifauna within seagrass beds using an in situ staining method
Diel variation in the abundance of epifauna associated with seagrasses  of the Indian River, Florida, USA
Motile epifauna of marine macrophytes in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. I. Comparisons among three species of seagrasses from adjacent beds
Motile epifauna of marine macrophytes in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. II. Comparisons between drift algae and three species of seagrasses
Seagrass growth and survivorship under the influence of epiphyte grazers
Predation by birds as a factor influencing the demography of an intertidal shrimp
Latitudinal patterns in seagrass epifauna: Do patterns exist, and can they be explained?
Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment
Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment