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Elementary quantum mechanics
2012-2013 Program Review Physics
2010-2011 Program Review Physics
2014-2015 Program Review Physics
2016-2017 Program Review Physics
2009-2010 Program Review Physics
2015-2016 Program Review Physics
2013-2014 Program Review Physics
Anisotropic physical properties of SC-15 epoxy reinforced with magnetic nanofillers under uniform magnetic field
Binary black hole mergers
Biogenic gas dynamics in peat soil blocks using ground penetrating radar: a comparative study in the laboratory between peat soils from the Everglades and from two northern peatlands in Minnesota and Maine
Diffusion tensor imaging in mild traumatic brain injuries
Evaluation of surface dose outside the treatment area for breast cancer irradiation modalities using thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs)
Detecting the spatiotemporal dynamics of neural activity on the cortical surface
Gravitational signature of core-collapse supernova results of CHIMERA simulations
characterization of the LAP Aquarius Phantom for external LAP laser alignment and magnetic resonance geometric distortion verification for stereotactic radiation surgery patient simulation
method of verification of the total treatment time for the APBI (Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation) devices
Subjecting the CHIMERA supernova code to two hydrodynamic test problems, (i) Riemann problem and (ii) Point blast explosion
Synchronization and phase dynamics of oscillating foils
Reduced representation of neural networks
