Current Search:   Department of Curriculum, Culture, and Educational Inquiry (x)

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Exploring the impact of electronic textbook tools on student achievement in world history
Comparing levels of school performance to science teachers' reports on knowledge/skills, instructional use and student use of computers
Fifth-grade teachers' social studies knowledge and beliefs and their relationship to classroom practices
Effects of problem-based learning with web-anchored instruction in nanotechnology on the science conceptual understanding, the attitude towards science, and the perception of science in society of elementary students
Advanced Placement (AP) social studies teachers' use of academic course blogs as a supplemental resource for student learning
Influence of a professional development module focused on the research-based evidence of the culture and gender bias found in Disney animated fairy tales on preprimary early childhood teachers
Preservice teachers' developing beliefs about diversity as revealed through reflection and discourse
study of seventh grade geometry posttest scores after using the GeoLeg manipulative tool
self-reported use of metacognitive reading strategies of community college students
relationship between professional development and the changing reading practices of teachers in low-performing elementary schools
self-regulation of a child with cochlear implants within a school environment
Using concept maps to explore preservice teachers' perceptions of science content knowledge, teaching practices, and reflective processes
Understanding teacher leadership and professional learning in a secondary mathematics department
examination of the implementation of the Intel Essentials project-based learning model on middle and secondary reading and language arts FCAT student achievement and engagement
contributions of a Holocaust and human rights education program to teacher learning
effect of skill-focused minilessons on students' independent use of reading skills during literature circles
Reading strategies in secondary social studies
Leading the way: the relationships between effective teachers' interactions with their students and their students' interactions with each other in two multi-grade parochial classrooms
Middle school teachers' usage of dynamic mathematics learning environments as cognitive instructional tools
Technology and fifth grade teaching
