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Culture of conch for stock enhancement and growout markets
Mariculture techniques for queen conch (Strombus Gigas L.): egg mass to juvenile stage
Queen conch (Strombus gigas) culture techniques forresearch, stock enhancement and growout markets
The effects of natural foods on the growth and development of queen conch larvae (Strombus gigas)
Species profile: Queen conch, Strombus gigas
Aquaculture training and education: An applied approach for industry
The combined effects of temperature and salinity on growth, development, and survival for tropical gastropod veligers of Strombus gigas
The effect of feeding frequency on growthof juvenile spiny lobsters, Panulirus argus (Palinuridae)
Improving the culture conditions of juvenile queenconch (Strombus gigas Linne) for grow out purposes
Recommendations for culturing juvenile queen conch, Strombus gigas, for restocking and commercial purposes
An assessment of the aquaculture potential of the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus
An evaluation of potential diets for the culture of postpueruli spiny lobsters Panulirus argus (Palinuridae)
A guide for culturing queen conch
Development and growth of the hawk wing conch, Strombus raninus (Gmelin, 1791) in cultureconditions: egg mass to early juvenile stage
Effects of dietary calcium and substrate on growth and survival of juvenile queen conch (Strombus gigas) cultured for stock enhancement
Fighting conch, Strombus alatus and Strombus pugilus: new food candidates for aquaculture
Integrating aquaculture into Caribbean development. Part II: environmental impact assessment
Integrating aquaculture into Caribbean development. Part I: marine species selection
Integrating aquaculture into Caribbean development. Part III: regulatory policies to promote the development of sustainable aquaculture in the Caribbean
Captive breeding for the gastropod conch (Strombus spp.)
