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Deep-water benthic macroalgal communities with emphasis on Florida and the Bahamas
Productivity of Microcoleus lyngbyaceus (Cyanophyceae; Oscillatoriaceae) in various light and temperature conditions
The deep-water macroalgal community of the east Florida continental shelf (USA)
Taxonomic treatment of theChaetomorpha and Rhizoclonium species (Cladophorales; Chlorophyta) in New England
New records and range extensions of deepwater algae from east Flower Garden Bank, northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Deepest known plant life discovered on an uncharted seamount
Deep-water plant communities from an uncharted seamount off San Salvador Island, Bahamas: distribution, abundance, and primary productivity
Use of photogrammetric techniques to monitor coral reef recovery following a major ship grounding
Ten new records of deep water marine algae from Georgia and South Carolina
The deep-water species of Halimeda Lamouroux (Halimedaceae, Chlorophyta) from San Salvador Island, Bahamas: species composition, distribution and depth records
Radio-tracking and survivorship of two rehabilitated Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida