Current Search: Amento, Brittanney Jaclyn (x)
Message authentication in an identity-based encryption scheme: 1-Key-Encrypt-Then-MAC.
Amento, Brittanney Jaclyn, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences
We present an Identity-Based Encryption scheme, 1-Key-Encrypt-Then-MAC, in which we are able to verify the authenticity of messages using a MAC. We accomplish this authentication by combining an Identity-Based Encryption scheme given by Boneh and Franklin, with an Identity-Based Non-Interactive Key Distribution given by Paterson and Srinivasan, and attaching a MAC. We prove the scheme is chosen plaintext secure and chosen ciphertext secure, and the MAC is existentially unforgeable.
Date Issued
Subject Headings
Data encryption (Computer science), Public key cryptopgraphy, Public key infrastructure (Computer security)
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Quantum Circuits for Cryptanalysis.
Amento, Brittanney Jaclyn, Steinwandt, Rainer, Florida Atlantic University, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Finite elds of the form F2m play an important role in coding theory and cryptography. We show that the choice of how to represent the elements of these elds can have a signi cant impact on the resource requirements for quantum arithmetic. In particular, we show how the Gaussian normal basis representations and \ghost-bit basis" representations can be used to implement inverters with a quantum circuit of depth O(mlog(m)). To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst construction with...
Show moreFinite elds of the form F2m play an important role in coding theory and cryptography. We show that the choice of how to represent the elements of these elds can have a signi cant impact on the resource requirements for quantum arithmetic. In particular, we show how the Gaussian normal basis representations and \ghost-bit basis" representations can be used to implement inverters with a quantum circuit of depth O(mlog(m)). To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst construction with subquadratic depth reported in the literature. Our quantum circuit for the computation of multiplicative inverses is based on the Itoh-Tsujii algorithm which exploits the property that, in a normal basis representation, squaring corresponds to a permutation of the coe cients. We give resource estimates for the resulting quantum circuit for inversion over binary elds F2m based on an elementary gate set that is useful for fault-tolerant implementation. Elliptic curves over nite elds F2m play a prominent role in modern cryptography. Published quantum algorithms dealing with such curves build on a short Weierstrass form in combination with a ne or projective coordinates. In this thesis we show that changing the curve representation allows a substantial reduction in the number of T-gates needed to implement the curve arithmetic. As a tool, we present a quantum circuit for computing multiplicative inverses in F2m in depth O(mlogm) using a polynomial basis representation, which may be of independent interest. Finally, we change our focus from the design of circuits which aim at attacking computational assumptions on asymmetric cryptographic algorithms to the design of a circuit attacking a symmetric cryptographic algorithm. We consider a block cipher, SERPENT, and our design of a quantum circuit implementing this cipher to be used for a key attack using Grover's algorithm as in [18]. This quantum circuit is essential for understanding the complexity of Grover's algorithm.
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Date Issued
Subject Headings
Artificial intelligence, Computer networks, Cryptography, Data encryption (Computer science), Finite fields (Algebra), Quantum theory
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