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Our Living Oceans: Research, Partnerships & Stewardship for the Future
Harbor Branch Foundation
The identification of marine aquaculture products and producers
The series II cable cutter
Indian River study annual report 1975-1976 volume 2
Indian River study annual report 1974-1975 volume 2
Initial steps towards a performance evaluation of the Johnson-Sea-Link hydrocrane system
50° conical opening penetrators for the Johnson-Sea-Link: MK V acrylic pilot sphere
A stress analysis of the submersible tracking & communications mast attached to sea diver
A system for dynamic stress analysis of a launch & recovery crane at sea with some preliminary results
A method for predicting the turning rate of a submersible
Effects of density and predatorexclusion device on growth and survivorship of hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria in the Indian RiverLagoon, Florida (Master’s thesis)
Reproduction, larval biology, and recruitment of the deep-sea benthos
Selected papers on underwater optics
Pelagic snails: thebiology of holoplanktonic gastropod mollusks
Harbor Branch Bulletin December 2011
Harbor Branch Bulletin April 2012
South Atlantic MPAs and Deepwater Coral HAPCs: Characterization of Benthic Habitat and Fauna
South Atlantic MPAs and Deepwater Coral HAPCs: Characterization of Benthic Habitat and Fauna
