Current Search:   Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology (x)

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2012-2013 Program Review Educational Leadership
2013-2014 Program Review Educational Leadership
2010-2011 Program Review Educational Leadership
2014-2015 Program Review Educational Leadership
2015-2016 Program Review Educational Leadership
2016-2017 Program Review Educational Leadership
Assessing goal intent and achievement of university learning community students
Attitudinal study of older adult African Americans' interaction with computers
Beyond fidelity
An exploratory examination of “pockets of success” in creating urban high schools of opportunity for LSES students
Exploring barriers to education for Native American Indians
Cultivating supportive, professional relationships among black women in educational leadership
Community college and university experiences of high school dual enrollment students
English language learners in Florida
Early environmental adult education: an oral history of citizen researchers' learning in the Appalachian land ownership study, 1979-1881
A new look at distributive leadership in title I and non-title I schools: does distributive leadership impact student achievement and school culture?
Academic dishonesty in online courses
How Jamaican administrators in a large school district in Florida perceive ethnicity, gender, and mentoring have impacted their career experiences
Pre-disaster planning at Florida community colleges
The public official leadership experience: a case study of leadership collier and its impact on motivating and empowering select citizens
