Deep-water benthic habitat characterization and cable impact assessment for the South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility (SFOMF). Report to Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
Deep-water benthic habitat characterization and cable impact assessment for the South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility (SFOMF). Report to Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division.
The purpose of this effort was to (1) provide a characterization of benthic habitats within the South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility (SFOMF) OP AREA cable corridor along deep fiber-optic cable C/S 96 from a depth of ~30 m to the reported eastern seaward terminus on the Miami Terrace (~500 m depth), and (2) identify and estimate impacts to deep benthic habitat resources from cable infrastructure in the same corridor preparatory to an Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Assessment. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Technical Report Number 143