Semi-annual report. South Atlantic shelf-edge MPAs and Oculina Experimental Closed Area. Summary of accomplishments, April 2015 to September 30, 2015. Project ID#: NA14NMF441049. Report to SAFMC and NOAA
Semi-annual report. South Atlantic shelf-edge MPAs and Oculina Experimental Closed Area. Summary of accomplishments, April 2015 to September 30, 2015. Project ID#: NA14NMF441049. Report to SAFMC and NOAA.
The primary objectives of the cruise were to gather additional data on habitat and fish assemblages within and adjacent to six of the South Atlantic Grouper/Tilefish MPAs (Snowy Wreck, Northern South Carolina, Edisto, Charleston Deep Artificial Reef, Georgia, and North Florida) and inside the Oculina Experimental Closed Area (OECA) as part of a long term monitoring program to document changes in these areas before and after implementation of fishing restrictions. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Technical Report Number 161